Chapter 2

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marcy pov

the nurse leaves the room and anne looks at marcy ready to say something to her but she does not know how to

anne: ok why does you and your friend keep trying to help me talking to me what gives people normal just look at me with disgust and keeps there distant from me or they do what kate likes to do and beat me up why people watch so why now why did you stop her

marcy: anne no one should get treated like that at all and you should not feel like you should accept it

anne: i know that what you are telling me is right but i have no other choice then to accept and i think you and sasha should stay away from me so you do not get hurt

marcy: so you are going to keep pushing people away because you don't want to drag then into this because you are worried about then getting hurt

anne: yes its better this way marcy

marcy: letting yourself to keep getting hurt is not a good thing you need to let people in you cant keep pushing people away like this

anne: I'm sorry marcy i cant look i better go the next class is starting i will see you around

anne left the room before marcy could say anything and she went to the next class of the day and did the same and the rest of the day classes marcy and sasha did not have anymore classes with anne that day but all marcy could think about was the her and she was just getting more and more worried about anne as the day went on

at the end of the school day marcy and sasha walks out of the school building marcy was still thinking about anne and she has no idea why but she feels strange when she thinks about her

sasha: hay mar mar are you ok you been in deep thought all day and its more then normal

marcy: i don't know sasha its just i keep thinking about anne and i don't know why i am just worried about her i know its dumb i only met anne today but also i feel strange around her like my stomach is doing backflips when i am around her and i just don't know

sasha: well its sound like to me mars that you are really worried about her but also you have a crush on anne that what it sounds like to me

marcy: yeah i am worried about her but what a crush how i just met the girl

sasha: well what do you think when you see her

marcy: well i think she look amazing and when i see her i just want to be close to her and talk to her all day i don't like how she keeps distance her self every time we talk to her

sasha: yup you are so crushing on her

marcy: damn it i think you are right

sasha: so what are you gonna do about it

marcy: well it is to soon to say anything i will need to try and get to know her abit better first

sasha: ya you are right there

at that moment anne ran past both of the girl this made sasha and marcy jump and watch her keep running

sasha: i wonder what her rush is

marcy: i have no idea

sasha: well i got to get home marcy i will see you tomorrow

marcy: yeah see you tomorrow sash

sasha and marcy parted ways and they both headed home

anne pov:

anne ran past marcy and sasha and the reason she was running was because she was late for picking up her younger siblings

anne: crap crap i am so late why did those jerk have to stop me when i was trying to leave the school

anne made it to her siblings school and waited for them to come out and a few minutes later they both came out

sprig: anne!!!!

polly: what took you so long girl

anne: sorry i am late guys i got caught up with something at school

sprig: its ok anne don't worry just glad you are ok i was starting to get worried

polly: yeah me to but can we head home now

anne: ha yes polly we can head home lets go you two home

sprig/polly: ok anne

anne sprig and polly walk home back when they got back sprig and polly went to the fire place where there was a picture of hop pop was

anne: sprig polly are you to ok

sprig: yeah its just i cant believe it has been a 3 year since he died i mean when are parents left hop pop took us in and look after us

polly: yeah i miss him so much

anne: i know what you mean but things will get better for us i promise i wish i can do more for us

sprig: anne you don't need to do anymore for us then you do you gave so much up for us like you give up your weekend just so that you can make sure that we are fed and have clothes on are back you gave up everything for us so that we could have the thing we need

polly: yeah if you where not around me and sprig would be dead by now

anne: aww thanks you guys that means a lot

sprig: and if hop pop was here would tell you the same

anne: yup i know he would

sprig: but i do blame are parents for leaving us here all this time

anne: yeah i do to

polly: well i don't remember then so they don't mean anything to me

anne: yeah no wonder you don't remember i was 10 when they left sprig was 5 and you where just a baby i am now 15 and sprig is now 13 and you are 10 polly so that means we was with hop pop for 6 year be for he died and then another 3 on are own so i don't think they are ever coming back anyway we are fine on are own we wont need them i don't want to see them ever again

sprig: am with you there all the memory are bad i have with them and i cant remember anything good

polly: that bad huh

anne/sprig: yes

polly: oh ok

anne: but anyway guys i am gonna head to bed don't stay up to late you have school tomorrow

sprig/polly: we wont anne

anne smiles at sprig and polly walks up the stairs to her bedroom and then when she got to her room change into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and after she did this she look at the drum kit set up in the comer of her room

anne mind: i might play this week end if nothing comes up

after she finishes looking at her drum kit she jump into bed and gets under the covers and close her eyes and falls asleep

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