chapter 6

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the next morning anne get up and gets ready for school and when she has got ready anne goes and wakes up her sibling after a few minutes they left the house but before anne sprig and polly could start walking someone call for anne and when she turns around she saw marcy waving at her and anne walks over to marcy

anne: hey mar mar what you doing here i thought we where meeting at school

marcy: yeah i know but i thought i would pick you up so that you would not be late for school

anne: you didnt have to do that mar mar i dont mind walking

marcy kisses anne cheek and smiles at her this made anne blush

marcy: anne i wanted to you dont have to worry anne and i am gonna be picking you up for school from now on

anne: alright then sprig polly we are going with marcy let hurry and get in the car

sprig/polly: ok sis

all of them get in the car and marcy drives off in the direction of sasha house

marcy: we just have to pick up sasha then we can get sprig and polly to school

anne: ok no problem marcy

sprig: anne can i ask something

anne: sure sprig whats up

sprig: are you and marcy together now you two do seem really close

polly: i was wondering the same thing

this made marcy and anne blush

anne: um yeah sprig we are together now

sprig: thats great anne i am happy for you

anne: thanks sprig that means alot

polly: so when did this happen

anne: um it happen why you two where out on the saturday

marcy: yup and it was one of the best moments that i have had

sprig: well i am happy for you anne marcy

polly: yeah same here i happy for ya

anne: thanks guys

when marcy finily got to the middle school anne and the kids got out and they walked over to the gate sprig and polly hugs anne before they left to head inside the school and when they got inside anne walked back over to the car and get inside to see marcy smiling at her and this made anne blush alittle

marcy: those two kids are really close to you

anne: yeah i would to anything to keep them safe

marcy: i can tell well we better head to school before we are late

marcy start the car again and drives over to there school when they got there marcy parks up the car and they both get out of the car and they walk inside the school what they get inside they see sasha waiting for them

sasha: hey anne marcy

marcy: hay sash how was your weekend

sasha: yeah it was good sorry i caould not make it to hang out

marcy: its find dont worry

sasha: but i think it was a good thing that i didnt come cause you and anne

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