chapter 9

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anne pov:

the next morning anne wakes up and looks at her siblings she smiles at them when she still finds them asleep so anne carefully get up so that she would not wake them and then she walks out of the room and heads down the stairs to find her parents sitting at the table

mr boonchuy: anne go cook something you know that you are the cook in the house so get to it me and your mother are waiting for you to feed us

anne: right

anne walks into the kitchen and starts to cook breakfast when it was done she walk over to her parents and put the food infront of them

anne: here is your food

miss boonchuy: good now go finish you job for the day and get your sibling start on there to oh wait before i forget we need some stuff from the store go get what we need now you can do the rest of your jobs when you come back now of you go right now

mr boonchuy: oh and dont be to long you have an hour and hide those bruses we dont want anyone to see them do you understand brat

anne: yes i understand

mr boonchuy: then get going

anne nodded and went upstairs to get ready she put on a black t-shirt a light blue hoodie and gray shorts then she went to wake up her siblings

sprig: huh anne morning

polly: 5 more minutes

anne: polly sprig can you get up and do your jobs for the day i need to head out they want me to do shopping and i dont want you to get in any trouble why i am gone so can you do your jobs please they seem abit mad today and i dont want you to get hurt

sprig: ok anne no problem we will get started right away

polly: ok sis can you hurry back though i dont like being in the house with them without you

anne: i will be as fast as possible see you to later i love you both

sprig/polly: love you to anne

anne smiles then leaves her room and walk to the front door till her dad stop her to say something

mr boonchuy: dont forget you have an hour so hurry back or you will know what will happen

anne just nodded at mr boonchuy and pulls her hood up so that no one can look at her face before she left the house and walk over to the store when she got there she notice marcy car in the parking lot before walking inside the store one inside she was getting all of the thing that was needed for the house and when she was finished and paid for the belonging she walked outside and all of a sudden she heard someone calling her name and anne turns around and tackle in a hug

anne: wha!! marcy

marcy: anne!!! where have you been i have been so worried about you i mean you have not been asnwering your text or calls you have not been at school for while what is going on anne

anne: im sorry marcy i have really missed you some stuff is going on at the minutes and i was unable to answer my text or calls i am really sorry

marcy: anne is there something going on why are you wearing a hood and not even looking at me

anne: hehe no reason i am fine

marcy: then take the hood down anne

anne look away and marcy lift anne face to look at her and she slowly took down anne hood when she saw her face marcy was shocked

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