chapter 13

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the next morning anne and marcy are up getting ready for the day so that they could head out

marcy: are you ready anne

anne: yeah i am mar mar

marcy: thats good then anne lets head out

anne: ok mar mar

marcy takes anne hand and walk laeves her room and walk out of the house and get in her car and she drives off in the direction of anne house

marcy: are you sure you wanna do this today anne i mean you dont have to if you are not ready

anne: yeah i am sure i need to get the rest what i left and also i kinda want to talk to them if they are there that is they could be out drinking and they cant use sprig and polly a way to make me do what they want so i am going to speak my mind with them

marcy: well i will be there every step of the way anne i will not leave you side no matter what anne

anne: hehe thanks mar mar i really happy to hear that i glad you will be there

marcy: me to anne me to

when they get there marcy parks up and both of them get out of the car and walk to the house and anne open the door and see her parents on the couch and when she was fully in side she walks up to her old room and see stuff has been thrown everywhere this made anne worry but she starts to throw this in the bag that bought and marcy was helping to pack her thing after they did this anne walk back down the stairs with marcy see her dad standing at the door and marcy grabs anne hand

mr boonchuy: well well i see that you have come home

anne: yeah i have but i am not coming back

mr boonchuy: well anne you better get you sibling and come home you left alot of rules taht you need to follow

anne: no we are not come back i will never bring them back so that you can keep using us as you own personal servants

mr boonchuy: how dare you me and you mother bought you into this world and this is how you thank us you are ungreatful brat

anne: just because you are my parents does not mean i see you like that the only pareny that i have ever have was hop pop he was the only one there for us when you kept on leaving doing who knows what i dont care if you are back now you are nothing to me i do not want anything to do with you

mr boonchuy: your grandfather made you weak we should of never left you with because now look what happen he made you ungreatful for what me and your mother do for you

anne: no you are wrong about hop pop raise us with love he took care of us we mead me sprig polly the person we are today he was more of a parent then you ever was and i will stand by hop pop no matter what because he was there for us and i will never show you the same respect that i show you the same respect as i did to hop pop

mr boonchuy: well if you go i never want to see you face again you and your sibling face here ever again

anne: that was the plan in the forst place good bye dad

anne leaves the house with marcy behind her and they go back to the car anne put the stuff in the back seat of the car then she get in the front seat with marcy

marcy: anne are you ok

anne: y yes i am glad i did this they needed to know that they where bad and i know they will never change but still sad at the same time cause deep down i still care about them

marcy: of course you will they are still your family at the end of the day but its a good thing that you have got out of there when you did or it could of gotten worse

anne: yeah you are right marcy i wish hop pop was still alive he would know what to do with all of this

marcy: yeah i would like to meet him but im sure he is still with you

anne: how do you know

marcy: because you carry him in your heart every single day he never left you anne

anne: that is a nice though yeah you are right marcy he is still with me and i better make him proud

marcy: hehe i know you will anne and i bet you already have

anne: i hope so marcy

marcy: come on lets head home anne

anne: ok marcy that sounds good

marcy drives off back to her house and and once they get there annd grabs the bag and they both walk inside of the house

in the years that was to come thing with anne sprig and polly were much better sprig gott with his now girlfriend ivy and are very happy with her polly was working in a teach company she took an intrested in computer in high school and went with it and for anne she is doing much better she became a herpetologist and she loves it there marcy became a wecomic maker and she became really popular

anne and marcy decided to get married and they live together and they have never been happier with eachother sasha is always hang out with anne and marcy and she became a counselor for kids and she loves it

today it was anne birthday and marcy was planning a surprise birthday party for anne for when she get home sasha sprig and polly are there to help and an hour everything was ready and people where coming to her birthday a few minutes until anne was ment to come home

when anne walk through the door she look around and it was dark until everyone jump out shouted surprised

anne: wow thanks guys i was not expected this

marcy: well yeah its your birthday anne

sasha: yeah lets party anne

anne: well thanks you guys

marcy: hehe well of course anne its your birthday you should have fun

that night they all had fun and just enjoyed them self with eachother and at the end of the party anne and marcy share a kiss completely happy with eachother and happy


Author Note:

hay guys this is the end of this story I really hope that you enjoyed this story but don't worry there will be a new story on Wednesday and the story will be called Marcanne: The Street Rat so I do hope that you will enjoy this story when it comes out but anyway I do hope that you enjoyed this chapter and sorry it is late and I will see you in the next story

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