chapter 4

193 5 13

anne pov:

the next moring anne got out of bed and all she was thinking about was marcy but she had no idea why so she just got ready for school and heaed down the stairs to make breakfast once she was done she place the food on the table and headed back upstairs to her sibiling rooms first she woke up sprig and told him about breakfast and to get ready and then she when to polly room and told her the same as sprig once that was done anne headed back down the stairs and sat at the table to eat her breakfast a few minutes later sprig and polly came running down stair and sat art the table to start there food as anne just finish hers

anne: ok you two i wanna try and get you two school soon so i am not late myself so after breakfast we will head out sonce it is 8 and school starts at 8:30

sprig/polly: ok anne

anne: and polly and know that fight was not your fault be please no fight today and just ignore that girl if she try anything i dont want to see you hurt like that again

polly: ok ok i will

anne: thank you polly

after they both finish anne did the dishes fast and all of them headed out for the middle school

sprig: you gonna talk to marcy and sasha today

anne: i have no idea maybe we are in the same class

sprig: well i like them they seem nice

anne: yeah they are

after a few more minutes of talking they made it to the middle schoolso the said there good bye and sprig and polly walked inside of the school anne gave one last wave and left for her school

when anne made it to the school she walk into her first class of the day she goes to the back and sits down and waits for class to start when the bell rang everyone started to come in included marcy and sasha and when they saw anne they smiles and sits next to her

marcy: morning anne how was rest of your night

anne: yeah it was good it was night last night

sasha: that good well me and marcy are hanging out this weekend you wanna joing since it is a friday anyway

anne: i dont know if i can i need to watch my siblings

sasha: oh ok is there a way around it

marcy: oh i know what if we come over yours and hang out at your place

sasha: yeah that would be a good idea

anne: i dont see why not sprig and polly seem to like you to but are you sure that you want to hang around kids on your weekend

marcy: yeah i do noty mind about that it will be nice

sasha: yeah i agree why not

anne: alright then i am ok with it i will tell sprig and polly tonight and i will cook to if you guys want i got to cook for the kids anyway

sasha: yeah sure

marcy: im fine with that but you sure you want to cook we can order take out if you want

anne: um i wish i could but sadly i cant affort that i dont have that much and what i do get goes in to keeping that house of ours i sibling need a place to live

marcy: its ok i was not asking you to pay for it anne i would never i was gonna offer to buy the take out so that you didnt have to cook

anne: you dont have to do that marcy

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