chapter 11

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the next morning anne was the first one awake she looked over at marcy and saw marcy sleeping this made anne smiles

anne mind: wow marcy is really cute when she is sleeping i wish we could stay like this forever marcy is such an amazing person and i hope nothing never happens to her oh right we are back to school today oh god i have got to see kate i just hope she will leave me along today but if she does start something i will never drag marcy it to my problems i cant let het get hurt because of me but anyway i better get ready for the day and i need to check on sprig and polly

anne slowly get out of the bed not to wake up marcy and anne looked at the time and it was 7:00am and classes starts at 9 so she had some time before they all have to head out for the day so anne walks to her bag and pulls out some clothes for the day to get dress when she was doen she was wearing black jeans and gray t-shirt and a light blue hoodie when she went in to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her theeth when she was done it was 7:30 am so she went to check on her sibling who were still asleep anne sneak over and gentle shakes them awake

anne: guys come on its time to wake up we have to go back to school today

polly: nooo 5 more minutes please

anne: no come on polly its time to wake up and you two sprig you get to see ivy today remember

sprig: im up

polly: aww fine sis i am up

anne: ok thanks guys i will leave you to get ready love ya

sprig/polly: ok love you to

anne left the room with a smiles on her face anne check to time and now it was 8:00am so she walks back into marcy room and when walk in marcy was awake sitting on her bed looking at her phone so anne goes and sites next to her on the bed and smiles at marcy

anne: hay mar mar good morning how did you sleep

marcy: morning anne yeah i did sleep really well i was just texting sash that you are coming back to school today

anne: aw nice im looking farward to see her

marcy: ha she has been so worried about you

anne: yeah she is a good friend but speaking of school you should get ready haha

marcy: yeah your right oh by the way sasha is picking us up today

anne: ok no problem do you wnat me to leave the room so you can get ready

marcy: no your good i dont mind you can stay

this made anne blush and look at marcy who was just smiling at her

anne: are you sure marce

marcy: yeah i am sure it is fine dont worry anne

marcy goes and pulls out a green hoodie and blue jeans and a white t-shirt and marcy started to get chnage anne was looking away going redder by the minutes but she did peek alittle bit when marcy was done getting ready she walked over to anne and kisses her cheek

marcy: ok i am done anne hehe you are really red

anne: um yeah i wonder why hehe

marcy leans over and kisses anne and she kisses marcy back after a few minutes they pulled apart and smiles at eachother until they heard a knock on the room door and mr wu walks into marcy room

marcy: oh hay dad whats up

mr wu: hay kiddo sasha is here and your mother had made you all breakfast you might want to hurry before she kills us both for taking to long haha

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