chapter 12

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after the end of lunch anne and marcy meet sasha and she had a bit of blood on her hands

marcy: where did that blood come from sasha

anne: yeah is your hand ok

sasha: oh well its not mine i kinda broke kate nose and made it clear this time to kate that she should not mess with anne and hopefully she got the message this time and that she will leave anne along if not i will just have to teach the same lesson to her again till her little brain will understand

marcy: oh well i bet she will if she does not want to get anymore broken bones

sasha: haha you are not wrong

anne: yeah but should we head to class or we are gonna be late

marcy: yeah you are right anne ok lets go then

all 3 off them walk to class and at the end of the day they leave there school and head to sasha car and all three of them get in and sasha drives off in the direction of the middle school

sasha: ok lets go pick up the kids haha

anne: yeah thanks sash

marcy: hay anne so what you wanna do tonight

anne: i dont mind mar mar what do you wanna do

marcy: well we could watch a move play a games or something like that

anne: yeah that sounds good mar mar which even as long as it with you i am happy

marcy: aww anne haha that is cute

anne: your just as cute mar mar

both of them had a blush on his face and sasha just had a smile on her face because of her two friends

sasha: hahah you two should just hurry up and get married haha

marcy/anne: sasha!!!!!

sasha: hahaha what it is true

marcy: i know but we are still in high school it is way to soon for that haha

anne: yeah wait does this mean you would want to marry me

marcy: yeah one day i love you anne and i want to spend the rest of my life with you anne

anne: i feel the same marcy i want that to i really do

sasha: haha see you two are perfect for eachother

marcy: yeah you are right sash

anne: yeah so right but can we hurry and get sprig and polly

sasha: ok ok

sasha drives to the middle school and pick up sprig and polly when she drives them all back to marcy house after this sasha drives herself home and marcy anne and sprig polly goes inside and eats dinner once they finished eatting anne and marcy help sprig and polly with there home and after that was done they both went to bed and anne and marcy goes and get ready for bed once they both are laying down anne cuddles up to marcy

anne: mar mar i dont think i thank you for all of your help you help me so much and sprig and polly to i can never repay you for what you have done for me marcy

marcy: anne you do not need to thank me for anything i care about you so much and i will do anything to help you i love you

anne: hehe i love you to marcy and i want you to know i will do anything for you if you need the help

marcy: thanks anne thats means alot to me anne and i will take you up on that offer if i do need help

anne: hehe thats good then mar mar

marcy get closer to anne and she leans in and kisses her anne kisses marcy back marcy slowly wraps her arms around anne and kisses her more deeply until they have to pull away for air

marcy: man that was good anne its get better everytime

anne: yeah it does mar mar

marcy: hehe anne its the weekend tomorrow so what do you want to do

anne: not sure marcy but i dont want to get my drums back

marcy: the ones at your old house

anne: yeah hop pop gave them to me and i want them with me

marcy: yeah we can go and get them tomorrow i will go with you

anne: you dont have to do that mar mar

marcy: i want to anne i want to and i am not letting you go there along anne

anne: alright mar mar i know i cant win but alright

marcy: alright do you wnat sasha to come with us

anne: no i think we should leave her out of this is dont want to bring her into my problem

marcy: hey anne ok but you are not bring us into your problem we want to help you sasha see you as a really good friend she think you are one of her best friends now and i love you so if you have a problem i want to hear all about it anne so never think you cant talk to use about your problem we arte here for you

anne: thanks mar mar

marcy: no problem anne but we should get some sleep it is getting late

anne: yeah you are right marcy ok good night love you

marcy: yeah goodnight love you to

both marcy and anne cuddle up with eachother and they fall asleep in eachother arms both had big smiles on there face


Author Note:

hay guys I am really sorry that this chapter came out late and feel really bad about it but don't worry next week chapter will come out on time again I am so sorry about this I have just been really busy this week and didn't have time to write much but I do hope that you will enjoy this week chapter

and also next week chapter will be the last of this story because this book story is almost over then I will be realising a new story on the next Wednesday so I do hope that you will enjoy that when it come out

but anyway guys again I am so sorry for the chapter being late and I will see you in the next chapter I hope you all are ok bye guys stay awesome

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