chapter 5

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after every one finish eating sprig and polly got ready to got out why anne does the dishes with marcy help after a few minutes sprig and polly said bye to anne and marcy and left the house

anne: well look like it is just going to be us to today what time is sasha coming

marcy: oh shoot i forgot to tell you that she cant today she seeing some family this weekend

anne: oh that's cool then guess its just us two hanging out then

marcy: yup that is true

anne: so what do you want to do

marcy: you wanna play a video game if you want to

anne: sure that sounds good to me why not so want should we play

marcy: ohh we could play one of my favourite movie its so good

anne: ok sure what is the game that you want to play

marcy: it is called The Ballad of Zorda it is one of the best game i have play i really enjoy it so lets play lets play only if you want to also

anne: sure i am ok with that lets play come on i just need to set up the console do you have the game

marcy: yeah i do

anne go grabs the console that they use and plug it into the tv down stairs then she turns on the game and both marcy and anne sits down and starts to play on the game

after a hour of game time anne look at the clock to just check the time the she look back at marcy and smiles but marcy was to in to the game to notice

anne mind: man she even look cute when she is playing video games why is she so cute i just was to just lean over and kiss her but i cant do that she is not into me she cant be and i cant bring her down either she has a bright future a head of her and i dont and i wnat to keep it that way

marcy: anne you have been looking at me for a few minutes smiling what up

anne: oh um sorry its nothing dont worry

marcy: yes it is anne you can tell me anything it is ok so what's up

anne: um well you wont laugh right

marcy: no i wont laugh i would never laugh at you

anne: ok here goes them i was thinking that um i was think that you are cute when you play games i mean you pull this faces that is really sweet and i just think it is cute

this made marcy blush look at anne in the eyes and a smile slowly came to her face

anne: marcy i am sorry i know i would ruin this day if you dont want to be friends anymore that is fine i understand i am sorry

marcy: anne i am not mad at you so dont worry i would never drop you as a friend and i want you to know that i find you cute also

anne: w what you do

marcy: yes i do i really like you anne and care about you more then a friend

anne: marcy i feel the same way about you but this cant be real this must be a joke no one likes me like that you the only one who want to be my friend apart from sasha and now you like me this has to be a joke or i am in a dream right now

marcy goes closer to anne and put a hand on her cheek with a smile on her face and anne just look at marcy in the eyes

marcy: anne it is very real i like you no i love you anne i have never felt like this with anyone but you and i would do anything for that

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