chapter 10

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when marcy got to her house she park up her car in the drive way and got out anne sprig and polly got out to and followed marcy inside the house to be greeted by miss and mr wu

marcy: hay mum dad this is anne sprig and polly these are the people i told you about

miss wu: hello kids welcome to are home hope you like your stay

mr wu: and its nice to meet you all

polly: hi sir

sprig: hello sir thank you

anne: its nice to meet you two mr and miss wu thank you for letting us stay here

miss wu: it is no problem anne so sprig and polly can have the spare room that we have and you can spare a room with marcy

anne: yeah that will be great thank you

mr wu: no problem kiddo marcy show them to theirs room and let them get settle in

marcy: ok mum and dad come on guys lets go

marcy grabs anne anne hand and smiles at her anne smiles back then she walk up stair marcy while holding anne hand and sprig and polly followed until marcy stop and got to the spare room

marcy: here you go sprig polly here is you room if you need anything my room is just that one across from you so if you need anything just come over to my room

sprig: ok thanks marcy

polly: yeah thanks girl

anne: ok go get unpack and i will come help if you need me to

sprig: thats ok anne we will be fine

anne smiles and marcy and her go to her room and when they get in there marcy and anne sits on the bed and puts her head on marcy shoulder

anne: thank you marcy for eveything i mean that i wish i could do more for you as you do for me i wish i was better for you

marcy: anne you dont need to be any different i mean that i love you how you are you are the kindest person i know and i love you for that you are the best person in my life and i dont want you to change or be better because you are already good enough for me and i will kepp telling you that till you belive me anne

this made anne smiles and marcy get closer to anne face but stop inches away from her face waiting for anne to give the work but when a nodded marcy close the gap and kissed her and anne kisses back this kiss lastet a few minutes until they had to pull apart

marcy: that was great anne i missed you so much

anne: i missed you to marcy i really did so hows sasha doing

marcy: she is doing fine her and kate got into a fight the other day at school

anne: really why that

marcy: she was spreding stuff arounf about you and it reach me and sasha and let just say she was not impressed and i was not either i really dont like that girl

anne: what was she saying now

marcy: oh how you turn me and sasha away from her and how that you are making us turn away from are real friend and when she seem you next she is going to do something to you that will hurt you the most then before and as you can tell when me and sasha heard this i was ready to knock some sense into her with my words but sasha had different plan and punch her in the face when it was lunch time the look on kate face was so funny

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