chapter 8

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anne pov:

anne is laying on her bed thinking why watching a movie with sprig and polly

anne mind: it has been a couple of days since my parent have been home and they have not took there eyes off of me and sprig and polly and they have not allowed us to go to school because they want to keep a close eyes on us so that means i have been unable to see marcy or even massager her because they are also watching us when we are on are phone sprig and polly are very sad with what is going on and i dont blame them i am trying to be there for them though and they seem to be happy when it is just us i have been spending more time at night with them like watching movies or playing game that seem to cheer them up when i can and if i am not doing stuff for are damn parent they seem to see me and my sibling as there personal pawn and i hate it i miss marcy so much i wish i could just see her but noo my parents are getting in the way

mr boonchuy: anne boonchuy get down here right now

anne: oh great what do they want now

sprig: anne please be careful

polly: yeah please dont get hurt

anne: hey dont worry i will be ok but what ever you hear please stay in here and just watch your movie ok

sprig: b but

anne: please just stay put

sprig: o ok anne we will

anne: thank you i will be back as soon as possible

sprig: ok anne

mr boonchuy: anne get down here right now hurry up

anne gave one last smiles at sprig and polly with worried looks in her eyes and anne ran down the stairs to where her parents where sitting

anne: yes is there something that you need

mr boonchuy: well we need to talk to you and we want you to listen very clearly

anne: ok what do you need to talk to me

miss boonchuy: we where looking through your phone and we found this girl named marcy and that you two are dating

anne: um yeah we are what about it

mr boonchuy: we cant let this stand you should not be dating at your age we want you to break it off and we want you to do it right now do you understand

anne: i understand but i wont do that to her

miss boonchuy: anne you will do what we say or else

anne: this is something i cant do i like her to much to break anything off with her

(Trigger Warning)

mr boonchuy get up and goes closer to anne and slaps her across the face then grabs her arm hard and anne tried to pull away but his grip was to strong

mr boonchuy: we ask you to do one thing and you won't what is wrong with you brat you are ment to do what we stay you waste of space

anne: i dont care i have done everything that you ask of me already but i will not do this because you want me to i will not that do you understand

mr boonchuy: you are a waste of space who need to be dealed with so that you will understand that when we ask something of you that you will do it

mr boonchuy punch anne again in the face why he is holding her and then he knees anne in the stomach hard that she fell to the ground and help her stomach mr boonchuy drop anne arm and walked back over to his wife and sits down

mr boonchuy: get out of my sight anne and i dont want to see your face till morning do you understand

anne just nodded and goes back up the stairs she slowly get up and walks up the stairs and goes to the bath room when anne got there she looks in the mirror and seem that she had a handprint bruse on her face and a black eye starting to form she check her stomach to see and black bruse forming there this made anne sigh and walk back over to her bedroom to see sprig and polly looking really worried

anne: hey guys are you ok

sprig: are we ok?? what about you

polly: yeah girl you are bruse on you have a black eye and a hand print bruse on your face and you are asking if we are ok we should be asking you that

anne: i know but i am fine dont worry really oh we should head to bed its getting late do you guys want to sleep in here

sprig: um yeah sure if that is ok with ya anne

polly: yes please anne

anne: ok lets head to bed then

sprig/polly: ok anne

all of them got in to anne bed polly fell asleep right away but sprig and anne stayed awake

sprig: anne?

anne: what up sprig

sprig: will things get betteri mean before are parents came back thing where getting better for us i mean you met marcy and you two are together and i can see taht she makes you happy and i just met ivy and i really like her alot but since are parent came back they have been just getting in the way and controling us we have been not even been to school since they came back i just wish are parents stay gone i wish they never came back

anne: yeah i am with you there they keep on getting in the way of are lives i wish they would leave again it was better when it was just you me and polly just living here i dont know why thay came back but it would of been better if they never came back but dont worry they wont do anything to you or polly sprig and im gonna watch out for you to nothing is going to happen to you or polly so dont worry i got your back

sprig: yeah we got your back to anne dont forget anne

anne: thanks sprig we should head to bed now its getting really late night sprig

sprig: good night anne

sprig fell into a deep sleep and anne smiles at them then anne fell into a deep sleep herself thinking about marcy

marcy pov

marcy is so worried that she has not heard from anne and more worried that she has not answer any of her text so she gives sasha a call

start of phone call:

marcy: sasha anne is not answering any of her text i am starting to get more worried and this is not like her and she has not been coming to school and she always comes to see

sasha: you are right it not like her i am worried to hopefully she will come back to school soon and then we can ask her what going on

marcy: yeah but you know what anne was like she will most likely brush it off and not be open to tell us because she is worried that she is a burden to us

sasha: yeah but you have manage to convince her that she is not when anne gets into that mind set and i know you will do it again if that happens you and anne love each other I have notice and you are going to be there for each other when it matter most

marcy: yeah you are right sash thanks i should go i will talk to you later

sasha: yeah ok mar mar see you later bye

marcy: yeah bye

marcy hung up the phone and got ready for bed once she has done that she got into bed and fell asleep thinking about anne

Marcanne: I Wish I Was DifferentWhere stories live. Discover now