chapter 7

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marcy pov:

marcy: we should try the music room she likes going there

sasha: yeah she could be there

marcy: ok lets go lets go

marcy and sasha heads over to the music room and they could hear the drums being played and when they got there they see anne playing the drums and marcy slowly walks over to anne and puts a hand on her shoulder this made anne jump but when she realize it was marcy she looked up with a sad smiles

anne: hay mar mar

marcy: anne are you ok I was really worried about you and when I heard what Kate said to you it made me more worried

anne: its ok really I'm used to it kate has always been like that to me i was more worried about you and sasha what if she is right what if I am no good enough for you

marcy: anne of course you are good enough you are the most kind and caring person I know and I love that about you I would not change anything about you

this made anne smiles at her and marcy kisses anne cheek and pulls her into a hug with a smile on her face this made anne blush but she hug her back

sasha was watch with a smiles on her face after a few minutes the bell went for the end of lunch this made anne and marcy pull apart from the hug smiles at each other marcy took anne hand and walks to her next class

after a few hours it was the end of the school day marcy took anne hand as they where leaving the school sasha got in the back seat why marcy and anne got in the front seat and marcy starts the car and drives sasha back to her house when sasha was drop off she waves at anne and marcy they waved back and marcy drove off to the middle school when they get there anne got out of the car and waited for her sibling to come out of the school

sprig: anne!!! hay

polly: hiii anne can we go home i am hungry

anne: hehe sure come on you two marcy is driving us

sprig/polly: ok

they all back into the car and marcy drives off back to anne house

sprig: thanks for picks us up marcy

marcy: no problem sprig

anne: so what are you up tonight marcy

marcy: I am most likely just going to finish the homework we got at the end of class

anne: oh yeah I forgot about that what where we meant to do again

marcy: we where meant to write a report on are most like book

anne: oh I remember now when it in for

marcy: next week anne if you need any help i will help you

anne: thanks marcy I will ask if I need any help

marcy pulled up at anne house and when they get there anne notices that the door was open and that there was a car park in front of the house this confused anne

anne: marcy can you keep an eye on sprig and polly for a sec someone is in the house

marcy: are you sure i can go with you

anne: its ok just keep sprig and polly safe

marcy: ok anne

sprig: anne be careful please I don't want to see you hurt

polly: yeah don't get hurt

anne: I will do don't worry guys I will be ok promise

anne pov:

anne get out of the car and carefully walks over to the house when she walks inside she seen two people inside of the house

mr boonchuy: anne it has been a long time where is the other two kids

miss boonchuy: we came home to talk to all of you so go get the other kids

anne: wait what are you doing here why are you here

mr boonchuy: that does not matter now go get your sibling we need to talk

anne: fine

anne walks out to the car and goes and open the car for her sibling marcy also got out of the car

marcy: anne who was in there are you ok you look mad

anne: I'm fine mar mar it just my parents have decided to come home

sprig: what!!!

marcy: do you want me to come in with you

anne: no its ok i will text you later though I love you

marcy: I love you to

anne kisses marcy cheek and gives her a hug after a few minutes they both pull away and anne smiles at her they she hear shouting from the door to come inside so anne gave marcy one last hug and went back inside the house with sprig and polly

when they got inside they sat at the table polly was cuddling into anne and sprig was look down at his hands and waited to hear what there parents had to say

mr boonchuy: ok now that you are all here we need to talk

sprig: r right

anne: what do you want from us dad mum

polly: .....

miss boonchuy: well we came back because we want to make sure that everything was in order here and to make sure that you three are on the right path so from no on you will do everything that we say do you three understand

sprig: y yes sir

polly: .......

anne: are you kidding you came back after all these years to control us so that we do what you want us to do

mr boonchuy: anne do not speak to your mother like that and to answer your question yes we have you are kids and you will do what we say do me and your mother make are self clear and if you do not fall in line there will be punishments now do you understand and anne you don't want anything bad to happen to you brother and sister or even yourself

anne: I um no I don't I will do what you say

miss boonchuy: I'm glad you see it are way kids I hope that you do everything that we say

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