chapter 3

210 4 15

anne pov

the next morning anne woke up and got up for school she goes and grabs some close and heads to the bathroom to take a shower once she was done she got dress in blue jeans a white t-shirt and a black hoodie when she was done getting ready anne walks down the stairs to see sprig and polly sitting at the table waiting for breakfast and anne walk to the kitchen and starts cooking eggs and bacon

anne: ok you two i will start breakfast

sprig: ok anne

polly: please hurry i am so hungry

anne: ha i will be as fast as i can

anne smiles at sprig and polly and takes over the eggs for him and after she is finish making breakfast she gave it to her siblings

anne: there you go guys

sprig/polly: thank you anne

anne: no problem

sprig: i love your cooking anne

polly: yeah me to its the best

anne: aww thanks guys but hurry up we need to leave soon so we can get you to on time for school

sprig/polly: ok

after everyone finish there breakfast anne sprig and polly left the house and headed in the direction of the middle school

sprig: so will yeah be picking us up today anne

polly: yeah and if you are dont be late this time

anne: ha yeah i think i am dont worry and i will try not to be late for you guys today

sprig: you know anne about are parents i dont think i wnat to see them again

anne just look at sprig worried

sprig: well they have been gone for so long and they basically abandoned us with grandpa hop pop i know they had there reasons but they had not even sent us a birthday care or even sent us a text since they left us i dont know if its just me being dumb but i think it would be better if they stay away cause i think we are better off without them and now that hop pop is gone this just makes me more angry at them

anne: i know what you mean sprig i agree with you and i am sorry they left but i will be here for you if you or polly need anything

sprig: i know you will anne you have been more of a parent to me and polly then are actual parents who are not around like ever

anne: yeah i know sprig and i will keep being around for you

polly: well i dont remember them at all so i dont have any feeling towards them

they made anne and sprig laugh

anne: ha we know you dont polly you told us that last night

sprig: and trust me you are not missing much

anne: come on lets hurry before you to are late

sprig/polly: ok

anne sprig and polly made it to the middle school and anne wave at her siblings before they walk into the school they just made it in before anne hears there school bell ring this made anne realize that she was now late for school so she ran all the way to her high school once she made it to the class she ran in the class room

anne: i am so sorry i am late miss

teacher: and why are you late on the second day of school

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