LUKE MY MAN (i made him a backstory 🤭 kind of) UPDATED⁉️

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He will have a 7 page in depth backstory by the time your done with this chapter

1- Luke's parents and relatives are originally from Belgium and speak Dutch, he too knows fluent Dutch from it being his family's first language ,as well as English :)
(shout out to everyone who has learnt English as their second language kudos to you ,it's a tough thing to do 🫶)

2- has a curfew on when he can play drums so his aunt and uncle can watch pointless and jeopardy in peace (I think that's what it's called we don't have it in the uk 😭)

he so loves theatre
He's in the school theatre club
And a community one

4- his love language = words of affirmation and touch 🫶🫶

5- even though a. Lot of people say Zanders clingy ,I like to think that Luke is the clingy one when tired, ussally resting his head on Zanders shoulder or lap,and having Zander put his arms around him when he's falling asleep

6- he gets so sleep drunk

7- PERFECT jawline
That's it
Also a few freckles as well as his iconic mole/beuty spot 🤭

8- very indecisive nan
Can't even choose where to eat on a date
Has to let Zander make all of the important choices 💀

9- excellent at cooking
Terrible at baking

10- get ready for the angst kiddos 😍
(Tw homophobia)
When Luke was 14/15 he came out to his parents as pan after realising he liked Zander
They didn't take it well and ridiculed him for it before threataning and highly implying they wanted to kick him out/make him move as soon as possible
He has been living with his aunt na uncle ever since then he and his aunt don't not have any/little to no contact with his parents


12- he has a few FUNKO pops
He doesn't collect then he just gets musician ones like morisee Freddy mercury the nirvana baby on the album cover etc
I have those btw there cool🤭

13-I have a feeling Luke is dyslexic and maybe is partially colour blind
I'm not sure
I saw Jakes_Pre-K_Wife  make a headcannon on him being colourblind and it's kind of just stuck with me so
I like it

14- his room is a converted loft /attic 🫶🫶
This is because when he moved in with his moms sister he was in the spare room,but he couldn't fit his drums up there when they got them from his parents house ,
They realised that their loft was pretty empty and was just a bit bigger than the spare room and could comfortably fit his drums up there ,so they asked Luke if they could convert it and he happily said yes ,helping them pick and make furniture etc
I went through j the liberty of making a rough idea of his room in my head because why not

14- his room is a converted loft /attic 🫶🫶This is because when he moved in with his moms sister he was in the spare room,but he couldn't fit his drums up there when they got them from his parents house ,They realised that their loft was pretty e...

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i have too much time istg

15- he likes Banksy**
I think he has a few prints of his work in his room somewhere like the bannana gun photo(pulp fiction) and other peices dotted about in the forms of books ,biography's calendars etc
I tried to include it on the room drawing but pictures were hard to place and I could find any banksy on the thing I was using

**(banksy is a faceless street artist in the uk for people who don't know, I reccomend looking him up ,his works are cool :))

16- very fidgety man
Like pens ,his hands ,picking his lip or nails, if he ever has rings on he twists them etc etc
Mostly when he's nervous but he does do it subconsciously a lot to(this is so me and my brother )

16- HAS GLASSES BUT SOSNT WEAR THEM BECAUSE HES INSECURE so he wears contacts all the time

Omg i forgot one
Luke is a really light sleeper
Like super light
If he hears a twig on the window he's waking up (#relatabke)

-another one to add  since I updated my hc
His aunt originally could t have kids due too fertility problems and she always loved Luke and promised to look out for him as he was like the son she and her husband couldn't have
So when he asked if it would be ok to move in with her she cried and told him this and he also cried and hugged her and his uncle for liek 20 mins.
Anyway that's all 💪🤺

Also funny side note;
A lot of these headcannons come easy because they are a lot of things my brother does has , because Luke in general looks / has the same mannerisms as Luke
Like he's auburn haired ,is quite quiet,plays the drums ,wears contacts etc
So whatever my brother does/or I do,it fits for Luke to be the same
Anyway just thought that was an interesting detail of it all 🤭🤭

Also sorry for spontaneously changing my
Main Luke hc 

Two in one day guys
I'm on a roll
I might roll out some incorrect quotes tommorow along  with some Hailey headcannons
Don't mark my words
But I might 💪💪
Anyway cheerio for now
And I hope you enjoy and have a good day or night or whatever your having

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