Theatre luke

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Random headcannons of Luke being a theatre kid becaus he is my fav silly and the headcannons just keep flowing into my mind
Promise I'll do a Zander or Milly or anyone  hc dump soon

He defo keeps all of his theatre outfits in the guest wardrobe and if anyone stays over and likewants to hang up thre or clothes they're greeted by like a JD outfit and an really posh dinner outfit (when he played in an inspecor calls or sum more formal)

DEFINITELY makes stupid niche theatre refrences like
"Haley I'm going upper stage right now (just to asking to class that's like to the left of the school💀)

All the drama teachers love him
Didn't take it for GCSE but even if he didn't the drama teachers still love him cuz they know he does out of school productions and stuff

He didn't do a singing role in school ever because he used to be a bit self conscious
But when he started like outside of school theatre, he started doing singing roles and all of the club were shook because they didn't know he could sing, not even Zander, because he hummed a lot but never properly sung.

Does community theatre

Even if Zander hasn't watch the production, on some nights, always the last night of one of his shows he'll greet him by the reception and help him take his stuff home.(gonna write a oneshot bout this)

Stacy also does school theatre
She's not the best at it but Luke being nice helps her learn her lines, this attention and stuff is probs what made her like him,.

The most non toxic theatre kid ever like he will welcome the new kids and immediately help them with auditions and stuff and introduce them to people he thinks they'll be good friends with , and a lot of people know and love him in his like theatre club because of that

Once put the inspector from Annie as his first choice originally as a joke but ended up getting callbacks and playing him.💀

Backstage tts>>>
Doesn't do those like skit ones , just like transitions into his outfits, dances with cast mates and like random crack tts backstage

Thays it
I'll probs keep adding to this one so

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