Family dynamics 🫶🤭

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Where they all live and what's happening with them kinda stuff to kind of sum up my household headcannons :)
Idk why just felt like it 😱


Luke lives with his auntie and uncle from is mothers side and a pet cockatoo pebbles. Luke had always been close with his mothers sister and her husband, in fact , he used to go their a lot after school a lot as his mom and dad worked till 5/7 o clock.
after he came out as pan to his bio parents they turned out to be homophobic and kicked him out/forced him and pressured into moving out himself through peer pressure and harassment when he was 15
His aunt Cheryl and uncle Keith were happy to have him as they weren't able to have kids and always loved the silly guy.
They converted their loft/attic into a room for him and his drums and absolutely love him and always shipped lander from the start.

Zander and Hailey:

(cannon but I'm adding them in to add to how mickeal and Shannon met eachother) Zander and Hailey live together and are step siblings, they have a half sister Bethany who was born when the twos parents were married.
Micheal and Shannon met through a dating site and did long distance for 2 years (mickeal loved in America and Sharon was British) and after asking her boss if there was anyway for her to get a refrence for a job in the us, and him agreeing , her and Zander moved in with Micheal and Haley.
At first the two step siblings were iffy about eachother but how could not be happier that their parents met on tinder.


Milly is an only child and lives with her police officer dad, officer charlie brooks, her mother, Kerry, who is a primary/elementary school teacher, and her German shepherd , scooby.(most likely got him through Charlie's job, as German shepherds are ussally police dogs)
Her parents have been together for 15 years,since high school, and are happily married and love their reckless daughter to bits. Every now and then her mom used to try to get her to dress more girly but she eventually stopped and embraced her daughters fun fashion and now goes shopping with her for her birthday each year !


Sean lives with his buisnessman father Marcus and care worker desreé (said like dezray)
Even though he loves his parents dearly, they do annoy him sometimes. Due to getting married fairly early in their relationship and financial problems, Sean's parents argue and fight a lot, which led to his dad starting to talk about divorce. And with the couple considering it, his mother trying to find an apartment or bungalow closer to Sean's school, he plans to stay with her in the week and his dads on weekends.
Even though he does get nervous about the divorce, he knows it will not only be easier for his parents to focus on themselves, but for him to focus on studies better and have his friends over more. And he always has friends like Jake, who have been through this to help him through it


Jake lives with his dad callumn, an electrician step mom Judy, a therapist ,younger  half brother milo ,and dog snoop
His mother and father divorced before milo was born and when he was in last year of primary/elementary school,he still sometimes sees his mom on his birthday and Christmas but due to her living far away and not liking seeing her ex husband, he doesn't se her much, which is why Judy is like a real mom to him (calls her mom)
They live fairly close to where Sean's mom wants to move and a twenty minute walk from Luke, and the three plan to hang around Sean's a lot more in the future (spoiler,Sean's mom gets the apartment/bungalow !)


Daisy with her two happily married moms Lucy , a sales manager and Gemma, a high school teacher(works in the same school as Micheal) and cat, snowball
Daisy was born to Lucy, who went through the IVF process, and daisy is proud to be her daughter!
The four of them love eachother to bits and the two wives couldn't be more grateful that they have such a good daughter <3


Saidie lives with her foster father , James Jones, who works in marketing ,her cat, willow ,and her foster mother miss Jones! yes,the one at rosemedow high school.
Mr and miss  Jones have been fostering sadie for over 10 years now And they are  in the current process of adopting the girl, and hopes to surprise sadoe on her upcoming birthday about it.
Loves three houses away from daisy and the jonses are always happy to have the girl over!


Stacy lives with her stay at home mom, Sheila, her dad,a small buissness pwner, little brother sammy, and tabby cat meatball
The two live next door to Elliot and the two help eachother out with cat sitting when they go on holiday , they recently moved so that now she can walk to school and that her mom can walk sammy instead of driving.


Elliot lives next doo to Stacy in a small house with his mom,sandy, who is a florist. He and his mom occasionally see his dad,as the two are married,but because of where he works and how high he is in his workplace,he has a lot of buisness trips away. But he tries his best to spend as much time with the two as possible, always bringing something back for them and taking Elliot out and his mom on dates when he's home for the month.
The three of them bond over their shared love of flowers and gardening, and Elliot had inherretwd his moms knack for keeping plants healthy.

Lia lives in an uptown apartment with her hard working mom Una . When her mom was pregnant with Lia, she was young, and as it was a shock to her boyfriend,he dumped her and doesn't speak with her anymore, Lia doesn't know her dad. Yea decided she would bring the girl up on her own,and worked even harder at her job to buy a new place so she could move out of her exes house. To help out with finances and to have some extra spending money, she works at Starbucks as a barista and sneaks her mom stuff at the end of the day. She is happy she helps and behind her very hard exterior at school,she's a big softie at heart and with her mom
Zoey lives with her two parents who are both in marketing area of things
They live together and spoil the blonde haired girl which is what tempted her to be a little more materialistic when dating drew.

That's it for this chapter!
I'm still unsure about the Sadie one and Jake one ,but I like the idea of it
Lmk what you think of these family headcannons!

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