37- real life things

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Things I have or my friend or family or whoever I know irl have saod. Just for the fun of it I'll tell you who said them in the order of who says.

Zander: I think the spider in my shower thinks I'm hot
Milly: what the-

(Me and my friend)
Luke: what songs did you put on?
Milly: slipknot,Pearl jam,bring me the horizon
Milly: I had to make my small time slot count
Milly: because after 5 songs Elliot said that they were making him feel on the edge then put George micheal and lady gaga
Luke: what was he on the edge of? Glory?

(Me and my dad and Elliot was my step mom)
Zander: you know I accidentally said Willy w**ker at the cinema instead of Willy wonka?
Luke: that would have been an entirely different film
Luke: that I would have watch—
(Me and my friend)
Jake,coming in with dried blood on his nose : I just got hit in the nose with a basket ball at practice
Sean: aw!
Sean: now you don't need to play for the nose job you wanted!
Jake: laughs so hard he starts his nose bleed again (snorts when he laughs)
(My step brother (17) and me)
Luke: uggy uggy uggy
Zander: wtf— bi**h? don't call me uggy
Zander: wait
Zander: oh youu feel uggy
Zander: too bad so sad
Milly: that was 'raaaahaag' for those who didn't  hear
(My two friends)
(Watching an advert where a girl slides her plate away while the other guy puts pasta sauce on her plate making it go on the table)
Cheryl: if you did that on my new table, I would force feed you those washing machine tablets
Luke: oh I know trust me
Cheryl: see? This is why your the best! You know what will kill you ! Me!
(My step mom and me)
Haley: no offence , but I'd break up with you for Jessica rabbit
Jake: omg me too
Zander: me too
Haley: your not even with me? And you're gay?
Zander: and what? If I was straight I'd make her eyes pop out.
Luke: he would

Haley: is out form room full again?(in my school my form Room is always busy because people in there are mates with people in diff tutors so they are always in there before 8:40)
Haley: milly go check
Milly: what? Not even my form?
Zander: don't care, I wanna sit down and read
Milly checks and it's chock a block
Milly: Glastonbury main stage is not that full
Zander: I'm gonna kill myself, hand over the rope from dt.
(Haley and milly as  my friends, I am Zander🤫🤭)

That's it ig
This fandom is on its last legs and it makes me kinda sad
Cuz ik im not really apart of it anymore but it still makes me sad to watch It die

Also I won't be watching s2 I've been grown out of gacha for like 3 years now,I was already when tmf was still going but I enjoyed the story.
I think I'm gonna finish its a match then write a few more one shots but then I'm done possibly
We'll see
Because I only really kept writing for the characters cuz they were cute

But anyway we'll see
But for now see you!

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