Part time job hcs

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Jake little sing song boy : store clerk
works at Tesco's/wall mart and sneaks food out of the bakery everyday and once didn't clock in and got payed 3 hours less💀
He embodies superstore
Likes doing the shop announcements and making jokes on there
Hates doing discounts and stacking
The jomies always visit him and make fun of him for working because they get all their money from their parents cuz they spoilt in a bad way ♥️😔
He sneaks his brother stuff from the bakery as well
Works near the book shop Zander works at so he goes on his lunch break to ALSO gossip about Karen's,this is their bonding  activity

Haley my Pook: coffee shop
She loves coffee anyway but making it with all the fancy stuff makes her really happy.
She secretly gives Zander discounts and tells her family and friends upcoming deals and drinks
Practises them at home cuz Micheal impulsively bought a coffee machine set for Shannon's birthday.
Loves the pastry
Living out her Rachel from friends dream
Gets to wear loads of cute outfits and cutsey buns when she goes to work
Writes the specials on the board in fancy fonts and little drawings
Live laugh loves her job, one of the many few people that enjoy working in coffee shops

Pink devil : waiter
Works At Stacy's mama Mia pizzeria
Does waiting and cleans up.
Once she had to serve the jomies💀 she was this close 🤏to sneezing in their food
Always gives Sean leftovers from her lunch (gets free pizza for lunch)
Goes into her fav shops in the mall in her break
Uses the emergency work phone to gossip about customers to Haley while she does the same with her emergency phone at her cafe
Doodles on all of the chalkboards and outside boards and always puts " by Milly >:)" in big writing and people read her name tag and go "omg you doodle on the boards!!!"

LUKE MY POOK: works at a diner
Waiter like Milly
He is really nice to all the old ladies who come on their bingo night, they ask for the same table each Friday because they know he waits on that table.
Sometimes works on desserts , like putting syrup on pancakes,sugar in brownies
Has had to deal with his fair share of Karen's , and when he does, he goes full passive aggressive mode on them
Such a charming little guy, he always hates to ask for that review thing but whenever he does he always gets a good review cuz he's so cutsey.
He gets so many numbers so he calls to explain he has a partner 💀
The club come in and he serves them sometimes

Zander: book shop (probs Waterstones/Barnes's and nobles for the Americans)
Stacks the shelves,works on register
He is always so nice to customers when they come up to him, or if they look nervous bro speak to him he will smile at them to help them feel more comfy to talk to him
He gives great book recs and whenever they come back into the shop they thank him and they talk about it
Luke sometimes pops in with dessert leftovers from his night shift to give to Zander for lunch and his colleges always call them cute old married couples.
Looks up date ideas and gift ideas for Luke and his friends on his break
Helps open up and close to the shop so he has his own key for the shop 💀

Sean the underrated cutest pie: music shop
He works on cashier and customer service, ussally he's quite awkward like in stressful social situations but in this shop he's so nice and helpful .
If you go in to ask for a gift for you family member ,he will help
He loves helping like girl/boyfriends/partners pick out amps and stuff for them
Plays Tetris in his laptop when the shop is dead,or just whips out his latest project.
Loves doing demos for the dj decks.
Also tells them where to find discounts because he knows not everyone can afford everything
His boss doesn't mind though because it makes it so that people come back and buy more stuff 💀
(through personal experience which is cannon from ep8)
That's it
I'll do car hcs next just cuz
Also Inspo from ilovecats__333 ' s chapter about jobs

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