Diner luke

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I have a hc that Luke works in a diner part time
Deffo Mondays Thursdays and Fridays and the once a month Saturday for some reason
He finds it odd too don't worry

He got really sad when he realised he didn't need to use roller skates to get around so he put it in the suggestion box and it got 5/18 votes(the chefs thought it would be funny) and he was just like 😓😢 and Zander felt really bad and took him roller skating at a roller rink that day
Also side hc that Luke can roller skate which is why he finds it easy to ice skate but he mostly skateboards

He loves working there
He mostly waits because obvs you have to go catering school to cook but he gets to put together the sundaes and put ice cream/ syrup etc on the brownies and pancakes
And on Fridays he works at the bar but where you can have milkshakes and stuff

I imagine it's like a proper old school diner that's been open for like 50 years 🫶🫶😍

He loves all of the regulars there and they love him and he always feels really bad when he has the job of kicking mean people out.

I imagine sometimes the club come in to have food there because it's nice food and also they know that sometimes he can get lonely when he's one of the only people working
It's not always ALL of the club
Some days it's just Haley and Zander after they took Bethany to her friends
Sometimes Zander just come and sits at the bar when he isn't at his part time to talk to him (UGH I LOVE LANDER⁉️⁉️🤭🤭🤭❤️❤️❤️🫶🫶🫶😍😍😍😍🙏🙏🙏🙏)

Others it's just Milly, Jake and/or Sean that are hungry after school
All in all they all think it's really funny that Luke works at the diner and they loooove talking to him while he works, because it's Luke but also they find it intriguing to watch him work cuz he's just really good at his job while still talking to his friends. 😭🙏

I hc he likes working there so much he still works there when he goes college and just drives there
And also it's good money
Gotta make that bank to provide for his household (dr pepper and nerds, plus the odd shopping spree, he's such a mood)

His auntie and uncle sometimes come on their dates there and when he waits on their table he always feels bad because it's their date night so he always discreetly gets people to cover for him and just waves at them
But he always waits when Cheryl and Shannon have their mothers meetings

Basically everyone loves this diner
And they love Luke so it's everyone's meeting place
Including Luke
He makes himself off menu sundaes when he's on break and brings back the leftover blondie/ brownies for Zander in little to go boxes

He alwys be getting good service tips 🤭💪⁉️

Ugh I just love Luke
And I love the idea of him being a lil goofy waiter that hates asking for reviews even though it's apart of his job

I don't even like tmf anymore I just can't seem to depart from the characters 😭

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