🫶🫶Couple stuff headcannons

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I'm gonna say it
The club couples are adorbs
And yes I'm counting the non cannon jailey before all the drama happened,I loved jailey and I still do cuz I imagine the drama didn't happen 🙌

Anyway onto the headcannons

1- Haley and Jake love love love cinema dates,or movie night dates, and they do that thing every Friday where they have a jar full of movies and they watch that movie while having dinner with food from that film

2- Zander and Luke love cafe,diner dates because Luke always says it makes him feel like he's in a romcom and Zander loves how cute he is when he gets excited about it

3- Haley and Jake bake together

4- Zander has slowly made Luke more comfortable with things like wearing his glasses and his freckles

5- Luke does drama with the school and outside of school with community theatre and Zander Haley and Jake all go and see his productions and hall him practice (also I have a headcannon that all the club sing how they do in their mv's so)

5- Zander sings to Luke if he wakes up at night and he's still up as like is a really light sleeper and Zander is a night owl

6 - Jake gives Haley butterfly kisses each morning they stay over at eachothers house.

7- Zander helps with Luke's grammar and spelling (I hc he's dyslexic) in his essays and papers so he isn't insecure bout it
And Luke helps Zander with maths as he's better at numbers than English

8- Jake and Haley write songs for eachother and show them to eachother all excitedly

9- both couples have promise rings.

10- Zander can bake ,Luke can cook
Self catering date nights are a breeze...
...Hailey can bake ,Jake can set water on fire,self catering daye nights are chaotic for them

10- Zander reads whatever book he's reading at the moment to Luke when he's sleeping over to help him with his light sleepyness

11- Jake is the pet name king,and he is so proud to be Haley's girlfriend and never hides it from anyone, he's the equivalent of a kid showing his new drawing to their mom and it's adorable

12- Jake and Luke are the clingy sleepers ,Haley and Zander just have to deal with it

13- Haley and Jake have the hand heart phone screens ,while like and Zander have the ', draw me some flowers' ones

14- Luke and Jake are the true rizz masters , Zander and Haley are the rizziies (the ones who get rizzed up ,and might I add ,are not mad about it what so ever 🤭)

That's all for now guys 🫶🫶
Have a great day or night wherever you are
I'm heading to bed as I write this now
So goodnight you guys
Hopefully this chapter wasn't boring💀

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