Sean headcannons🫶🤭

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Sean the silly needs more love because I said so

-defo helps out with all of the school's productions and every time they do a bow they always do that silly hand gesture to him and he is always so embarrassed

-is down terribly bad for daisy, she has 300000934726263948474 emojis on her contact

-texts like a milenial
"OMG! That is so cool 😆, I'm gonna go tell Jake now😁😁."
"Woah Haley, that's sounds bad 😔😢. Have you told anybody? 🧐"

- is on Facebook, Twitter,tiktok

-is a mommy's boy , loves his mom to bits

- is 100% a stress cleaner ,can't tell me otherwise

-if he forgets his headphones when he's about to go in public transport like the bus or a plane or a train, he will miss that bus or train just to get them ,because he would rather be found dead than have to listen to the chaos unraveling around him.

- exeptional at physics,chemistry,all maths and geography , kid At everything else
Astronomically bad at biology and history

-my dude was the first year of the school that had sex Ed 💀, like they were the first year they explained it to, and it was terrible.

-he swims a lot and occasionally plays basket ball with Luke because tall buddies

-always gets asked to join the basketball club , always says no because "it will take the fun out of it" but the real reason is that he'd be too embarrassed if Luke always beat him (which he does) because he's taller than Luke

- pizza Thursdays at stacys mama Mia oizza with Milly

-part time job is a babysitter since he's so good with kids

-bros options were : geography,music,buissness and computer science

-doctors handwriting 😔

-was the first to learn how to drive being as he's the oldest and the year o ove Jake Luke zan and that, and he was the tact for like a year before Haley or Zander learnt

- passed on his first try my smart boy

- is always cold, contrary to Luke, always has to pack a coat wherever he goes, even in places like Spain,he'll be cold in shorts and have to wear trousers 💀

- air force kinda guy Yk
I don't make the rules I just say it how it is

-bro is the type of guy to enjoy coding , like loves typing in all the individual commands
Probs better than his comp science teacher

-GREAT at riddles
But crap at brain teasers like rubix cubes, that's Luke's forte.

-does not understand gen z lingo, when Milly speaks,it's gibberish to him poor guy

-spiritually , a mother who checks Facebook every day because he learnt it from his mom

-gets all the hot gossip aboutbthe moms at school thanks to his mom being besties with Sharon and Luke's auntie Cheryl

- bro took the phrase, I can't even draw a stockman, and applied it to an actual person
Bro cannon draw to save his life

- bro took the phrase, I can't even draw a stockman, and applied it to an actual person Bro cannon draw to save his life

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Him trying to draw a stick man

-shaky hands, no one knows why,he doesn't get anxious that much and isn't on any meds that would make him shake
He just is a shaky man

Anyway that's all
Hope you enjoyed 🫶🤭

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