Chapter 9 - I only get carried away by your smile, and the mole near your eyes

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Yo no te busqué, no
Chocamos en el trayecto
Con tu alma es la que yo conecto
Tranquila, no tiene que ser perfecto, no

You were completely over your non-break-up break-up.

You still looked for Chishiya in crowds, but it was normal, wasn't it? Like stalking on social media the girl your ex-boyfriend cheated with four years ago and being completely invested in her life. Okay, probably not very normal, but still not a toxic coping mechanism. Right?

You had been hanging out basically every day with Kuina and had found a new friend named Tatta. You were placed together in a game and got along really well, and he seemed carefree and easy-going, which was exactly what you needed at this particular moment.

Also, you were avoiding Niragi like the plague. You tried meeting him at other parties (now sober) and getting some information out of him about the safe Chishiya mentioned, but it hadn't been useful. You were also sleeping at Kuina's room now since once, returning to yours, you had saw him waiting by the door, big gun on his shoulder.

You also attempted a couple of times to get a conversation going with Aguni but he was even worse and, to be completely honest, he scared you to death.

Getting close to the Hatter wasn't really an option. You had no doubt you could join his own little personal harem, but if you had to be honest, you found it absolutely disgusting and the girls he had at his side probably lasted two or three days before being replaced by new ones.

So you had put the mission you were assigned on hold. You agreed the system at The Beach was more of a dictatorship than this utopia of happiness everyone seemed to believe in, but you were not about to start a demonstration to topple an oppressing government. After all, they had all the guns.

Your days consisted on enjoying yourself, sunbathing, hanging out with Tatta, Kuina and their friends. You also bathed in the pool once or twice but then remembered what they said about pools in Las Vegas and thought it could probably apply to the ones at The Beach as well, so you didn't do it anymore.

You also played games whenever you had to, but you chose to only cross that bridge when you got to it.

All in all, you were doing well. So an occasional look at a large group of people to see if you would see a blonde man in a white hoodie was not too bad, or so you told yourself.

Purposefully going where you knew he would be was another thing, though. But having a crush (was it just that?) on Chishiya was like being addicted to drugs - the dose needed to be reduced little by little so that you wouldn't get sick in the process.

Nothing could have prepared you for having to be in the same game as him, after going no-contact since you kicked him out of your room.

There were five of you, two militants, a young boy, Chishiya, and you. The militants were sitting in the front of the car that took you to the game area. In the back, Chishiya sat in the right seat, the young boy in the middle, and you in the left seat. You had to avoid looking at his direction every few seconds, because every time you would look, you found him staring back at you.

The game - spades, low number - went fine. It was a simple game of tag, weapons were allowed, and the militants took care of the taggers very quickly. You, of course, had fallen while running and scratched your knees, but other than that you were okay. Just glad to be able to survive for a few more days.

And glad Chishiya would as well.

You arrived back at The Beach, the militants, serious, the young boy, static, Chishiya, still quiet. You were tense, but this was a test and you had passed it with flying colours. Not once had you tried to speak to him or psychoanalyze his expression when he looked at you.

Abruptly, you found him at your side, which almost made you jump.

"Don't scare me!" You screamed, and your first instinct was to hit him in the arm with the back of your hand. Touching him again would have sent you on a downward spiral, if it weren't because him appearing when you least expected it actually agitated you.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to. Can I talk to you?"

No. You thought. "Yes." Was what came out of your lips.

And so you followed him into his room, wondering if he was going to ask you to play Detective Conan a little longer. Or reprimand you, because you actually were not playing it anymore.

"I'm sorry." Was the first thing he said when you had both seated down. You, on the floor, by the closed-but-not-locked door, keeping your distance. Turns out you actually reminded yourself of a cat, keeping the exit close to you to be able to disappear if (or when) things got ugly.

You were so shocked you didn't even know what to say, so you waited for him to continue. He didn't.

"What are you talking about?" You asked, confusion replacing any other emotion.

"About the role I asked you to play when I told you we were going to steal the Hatter's cards."


That was it, then.

You knew you were not going to get anything more from him, but you wanted more. You deserved more.

"Why are you sorry?"

He arched his brows. You were trying not to smile. You probably were both thinking that this conversation resembled a mother teaching his toddler a lesson too much. Whatever it looked like, it felt good.

"I didn't take into account how you felt."


"That was it."

Okay, it was still Chishiya. You couldn't push it much further.

"I forgive you."

You almost laughed when you saw the look of surprise on his face, because it probably wouldn't be of any help in this situation.

"That easy?"

"Yeah, I just needed you to say sorry." You shrugged, smiling. You had never been a person to hold grudges and sorry was already a hard enough word to say to torture the other person.

"Still. I don't feel it's enough."

"You can make it up to me."


"Let me stay the night?" Your cheeks turned deep red just from asking. But you really, really, wanted to sleep with him without being influenced by any substance.

He smiled, and nodded. "Was going to ask you to either way. Por Kuina deserves a night on her own."

You stuck your tongue at him and climbed to his bed, laying down. "By the power vested in me I declare this my new secret hiding place."

He lied down next to you. "Still surprises me how quickly your mood changes."

"I have always been like this. Like a rollercoaster."

He didn't say anything else. But his hand looked for and found yours. He squeezed it, softly. And you squeezed back.

"I did mean it when I said you looked beautiful the other day."

"Of course I did, did you know how many hours I spent getting ready?"

"It was not about that. You looked beautiful when you were dancing on your own."

You moved closer to him, changing your posture slightly so you could look at him without letting go of his hand.

"So I look beautiful when I'm happy?"

"You do."

Then you must have looked radiant at that moment, because this was the happiest you had ever felt in the Borderlands.

He lifted his free hand and caressed your cheek with his thumb, the rest of his fingers getting lost in your hair.

And just like that, Chishiya and you were together again.

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