Chapter 18 - Brown eyes, I hold you near

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And I do believe it's true
That there are roads left in both of our shoes
But if the silence takes you
Then I hope it takes me too

"You broke your nose. It happens."

"To who?"


"You didn't just say that."


"You are telling me "ohhhhh, it happens" as if breaking my nose was the most normal thing in the world and when I ask, my dear, my love, my sweetheart, light of my life, my moon, my stars, who does that happen to... You say people who literally punch each other's faces for a living!?"

Chishiya chuckled, and Kuina burst into laughter. But you were not laughing at all. Your nose was broken, which meant it was crooked, which meant you looked ugly. And one would believe looking ugly should have been the least of your concerns in a place where you were doomed to die if you didn't play stupid, psychotic games. But they would be really, really wrong.

The blonde man was holding your face between his hands, examining your now officially declared broken nose.

"You never called me any of those things."

"What do you mean?"

"Dear, love, sweetheart. Light of your life, your moon, your stars."

You were shooting daggers with your eyes. Kuina was almost on the ground, wheezing and squeaking from laughing so much.

"It's not that bad. You still look very pretty."

"You used to say beautiful before."

"You still look beautiful. But..."


"You are bruised under your eyes. It will go away, but you look slightly bloated. Your lips too."

"Have you ever seen anyone getting a nose surgery?" The woman with dreadlocks intervened, still wearing her blue bikini, but now also wearing jeans on top. You had all changed outfits - Chishiya was wearing grey sweatpants, a darker grey t-shirt and a grey and white cardigan (the man knew his color theory and was sticking to it). You were wearing jeans as well, although not bedazzled like Kuina's and a funny graphic t-shirt in your favorite color. 

"Kuina!" You cried out.

"Your lips tho... You look like Angelina Jolie."

Both of your friends (was Chishiya your friend? Was he something more? What was he? Sometimes you thought you were lovers, sometimes merely very good friends) were having fun, and you were glad for it. But, did the punchline need to be your face?

You were on your way to a subway station, Chishiya had said. He had found a drawing, even before you met, in the jacket of a player who had tried to kill them in the game he had shared with Arisu and Usagi, that he just recently realized was a map. To you, it looked like a circle with a million lines.

"Do you keep and carry with you every little piece of paper you find?" You had messed with him.

"No. Just this one. Ah, and your drawing of a tree." He got the piece of paper out of his pocket, unfolded it, and showed you. And there it was.

You honestly hadn't been paying too much attention after that moment, lost in his brown eyes as you were while he was telling the story, but you had gathered that the person in question had been wearing a horse mask and that Chishiya thought he had been the dealer of the game, just like Asahi was of the ten of hearts.

You, of course, wanted to know what the deal with the dealers was, as redundant as that sounded. But, just for a day or two, you needed a break. The three of you had days on your visa, all of the numbered cards and were alive. So you had decided not to think about it.

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