Chapter 27 - What it meant to me will eventually be a memory

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But in the end
It doesn't even matter

"What's the diagnosis, doctor?"

You winced in pain when Chishiya's fingers touched the increasingly growing bump in your head, which was killing you. You stretched your aching back and moved your creaking neck from side to side, hoping for some relief. There was, if only a little bit.

You felt as if a truck had run all over you.

It hadn't been a truck, of course, but a freak of nature using a bull's hollow head as a mask.

"Everything should go away in a few days." The blonde man finally declared, putting both hands on your shoulders. "You were lucky."

"I am, extremely." Because you had him, but saying it out loud would just be ridiculous. He was not only an extremely intelligent, good-looking and caring person (at least when it came to you), but also an actual doctor. "That's why I also would have won the King of Diamonds."

Chishiya had explained more or less what happened during his game to you. He hadn't gotten into too much detail - you had the feeling there had been something other than what he told you, but you had learned, with time, not to push him. 

You trusted him so much you didn't mind if he had secrets.

"Are you sure you would have understood the rules?" His lips were curved in that smirk of his, teasing you once again. He had to explain to you how the game worked more than once. 

You were just not good with numbers. Like, at all.

"No, I wouldn't have. At least not the first few rounds. But you see, that's where the magic happens..." You stood up from the chair you had been sitting in, turning around so that you could look at Chishiya while speaking, leaning your body against the edge of a table. You were occupying an abandoned apartment once more. "I would have been pretty much like "fuck it, we ball" and choose whatever random number appealed to me."

The man chuckled silently to himself. "I don't think Kuzuryu could have seen that coming."

Oh, yeah, you had to add Kuzuryu to the list of criminally insane people you had met in the Borderlands. It seemed the executive board of The Beach had a lot more of them than you thought at the beginning. 

There were only two games left - the King of Spades and his slaughter and the Queen of Hearts. Both were located in Shibuya, close to where the face card games had been announced for the first time, at least judging by the position of the airships displaying those two cards.

None of you had said a word about it, but were travelling towards them. 

As were multiple other players.

A part of you wanted to let that other people face those games. Who knows? Maybe they would win and you would be transported back to the real world one night, while you were sleeping.

But other part knew that wasn't fair. All of you had to do your part, work together. And also, you had a feeling you would meet your friends there. You missed them dearly, specially Kuina, and refused to believe something had happened to them. 

In addition to that, while it seemed most people softened up with pain, it turned out some of them hardened, you included. You would have never taken yourself for a tough person, but life found a way to surprise you once more.

Now, if your head could at least stop pounding for just a second...

"Penny for your thoughts?" Chishiya asked, his fingers softly touching your jawline.

You blinked, realizing you had lost yourself in your own mind.

"It's a full on monologue." You smiled apologetically. 

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