Chapter 14 - You don't know how you've betrayed me

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A world that
Never was and never will be
Have you no shame
Don't you see me?

Something was wrong.

Chishiya seemed to think so, at least. And if he did... Well, he was probably right. 

He had been called to an executive meeting that morning, again, so soon after the last one. Which was not a common occurrence, but you assumed it had something to do with the Hatter returning from the game. Maybe he had been hurt?

The blonde man hadn't shared his thoughts with you, so you were basically stuck guessing.

"Maybe he found the ten of hearts and left?" Kuina asked, walking by your side.

"Maybe, yeah. I still think it has to be something worse."

"Isn't it bad enough that the Hatter won't be here any longer? The militants would go crazy..." She pointed her index finger to her temple and moved it in circles.

"Maybe it didn't work. Can you imagine? We got all the cards, but nothing happened."

"I thought you and I were the optimistic ones from the group."

"I try to be. I just can't really shake this feeling off..."

"Okay, enough! Tell me more about your kiss!"

You blushed, intensely. Of course, you had mentioned it to Kuina first thing in the morning, excited as you were. You even had said "NOW, I definitely am high on love." which had brought laughing tears to the eyes of the dreadlocked woman. 

"It was just that. I sang him a love song, and he kissed me. He did say that if I did it, he would give me something in return. I guess that something was the kiss."

"Did something else happen?" She raised her eyebrows one, two, three times, a cheeky smile on her face.

"No. We kissed, and we went to sleep."

You remembered the moment, and felt tingly all over when you did. Whatever you had, it was becoming something more, something special. Slowly, sure, but good things came to those who waited. 

"I was looking for you. Care to join us?" Chishiya's voice woke you up from your daydreaming. Your tuned, with the brightest smile still on your face, only to be met by the most serious expression. Arisu and Usagi were there as well. You felt your own smile wither, and disappear.

Something was, definitely, wrong.

Something was, definitely, wrong

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The Hatter had died. Chishiya and Arisu had seen his corpse, and could attest this was not like The Lord of the Rings where he would later on return like Gandalf, with a different outfit and newfound powers. Aguni was the new leader of The Beach. 

You were having a lot of difficulty wrapping your head around it. 

"The black envelope." Chishiya started, sitting on a chair. The five of you were in Arisu's room, surrounding him and listening intently. "The poker cards gathered by all the members of The Beach are kept in the safe in Hatter's royal suite room. The passcode to the safe is kept and sealed in the black envelope. The envelope is opaque, and kept in utmost secrecy, and can only be opened when there is a new Number One. The new Number One will check the passcode alone, in front of all executive members. Then, he will place the paper with the passcode written on it into a new envelope, and seal it again. It will then be signed by all executive members, and stashed away again."

You had never heard him say so many words at once. 

"First, Arisu will infiltrate the royal suite. Then, he will search for the safe, and steal all the cards inside." He finished.

"What about the passcode?"

"I have an idea of that. I'll tell you when you are in front of the safe." 

Chishiya placed five walkie-talkies (handheld transceivers, Kuina had said, laughing after you had called them that) on the table, one for each of you.

"The three of you..." Chishiya pointed to Usagi, Kuina, and you, his gaze lingering on you a few seconds more than on the rest. "Will be on the lookout."

"This is too dangerous. If we're discovered, we'll be killed." Usagi whispered. 

"She has a point." You added in support. You trusted Chishiya with your life, felt safe whenever he was around, knew (or at least so you thought) he wouldn't put you in any danger, but the plan... 

"This is the only way to change the current situation." Arisu said. "Now that Hatter is dead and there is no unity at The Beach, the time is right for this plan."

You exhaled, suddenly feeling very tired.

"Okay, then. When do we start?"

The plan was set into motion a lot faster than you thought, leaving no time to prepare, or to think it through and back out. Aguni would give a little speech, to let know all residents of this little utopia he would be the new king, which meant all executive members and militants would be at the annex. You wouldn't get another chance like this.

You were surveying the area Chishiya had placed you in. You were supposed to use your walkie talkie to inform the others if you saw anyone, were it executive, militant or just random passerby. You were fidgeting, wishing this would all be over soon. Hoping everyone would be okay.

You had not spoken with Usagi before today, but you had with Arisu, and had found yourself caring, if only a little bit, for the guy. Not so much because you were friends, you weren't, but because even though he had lost people and had every right to be crying on a corner seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day, he was still there. Holding on, trying to find answers to his questions. You admired his tenacity, his intact empathy and still remembered what he had told you, about wanting Usagi to return to the real world, at the very least. You could relate.

Nothing was going on around you.

You knew you shouldn't have, but still, you were tired of waiting, it seemed like everything was going according to plan and maybe you could support each other, since it seemed Usagi had also been on the fence about Chishiya's idea. So you went to the area she was supposed to be checking on, near the Hatter's suite.

Only to see her being grabbed by militants, and being taken into the room forcefully. You hid yourself, as best as you could behind a table and two armchairs that were close to the entrance of the room. If someone decided to look your way, you were dead. You couldn't see very well what was going on, but could heard her scream Arisu's name, as well as someone taking a beating. And then, Aguni's voice.

"You saved me, Chishiya."

"I did what I had to do."

Your heart broke.

So, he had betrayed them.

You gasped, and instantly covered your mouth with your hand, hoping the noise of most likely Arisu being beaten to a pulp had been loud enough to mask it.

You were trying to process what had happened, tears streaming down your face. It seemed you still had sympathy for others. For those who were alive, and had shown you a kind smile, or given you a hand when you needed it.

Like Arisu had.

So, Chishiya wanted to get on Aguni's good graces. To steal the cards, and get out of here. And instead of using you for it, he had used Arisu, who had fully trusted him. And Usagi, who got hit by the recoil. And, to keep you out of it, had you patrol an area he knew would be deserted. This was not what you wanted. None of them deserved what was going to happen.

How could he? 

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