Chapter 20 - Better to leave each other speechless

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Cada vez que quedo con ella
Parece que una voz en off dice "silencio, se rueda"
Y cuando llega la escena del beso
Pongo cara fea para repetir hasta la toma buena

Reina del exceso
Siempre fui un experto en coger el amor por donde quema
Mi desmesura, con mano dura, ganas de locura
Y de acercar posturas, última noche en tu cintura

Chishiya didn't really understand how his words had made you feel.

He had said them as if they were no big deal and he was just stating a fact, using a similar tone one would employ to comment on the weather. "Oh, it's cloudy today." Same, same.

But for you, the world looked different. The sun shone brighter. The sky was bluer. The desolation and pain of this world reduced to mere annoyances.

He still drove you crazy, both in a good and a bad way. You still didn't know what it was that you were - you had kissed twice, after all, and you had dates with whom you had shared more physical intimacy than that - but he had told you both, that he loved you and that he couldn't imagine his life without you in it... which was a lot more personal, deep and real, wasn't it?

If he was surprised you were in such a good mood, he didn't ask.

He probably knew.

You had gone searching for new clothes to wear, the ones you had ruined and torn apart by trying to escape the King of Spades, and he had found a white hoodie again. Not like the one you knew and loved and had met him with, but almost. Apart from it, he was now wearing a black t-shirt and trousers of the same color.

"You look very good." You had told him, seeing him wearing it for the first time, giving his look a double thumbs up as a sign of approval.

He had eyed you up and down, a few times, a half smile present on his lips.

"You look ferociously beautiful."

You then mumbled something that sounded remotely similar to a thank you and hid your face behind a curtain of your hair.

At that point, you were almost below the gargantuan image of the Jack of Hearts, which apparently took place in a penitentiary center, or so the blonde had said. You didn't know what kind of game it would be, but you had been guessing, your nerves increasing as you got closer.

"Picture this." Chishiya nodded, dividing his attention between what you were saying and checking you didn't hit or trip over anything, since you were walking backwards, few steps in front of him, to be able to look at his face while you were speaking. "It's a game of hearts, so they are going to play with out emotions. Therefore, they cloned us. And they will make you choose, like, who is the real one? But she's identical, she even has the same birthmarks..."

"Do you have a birthmark?"

"Yes, on my hip, but that's not the point. So you would have to ask her... to ask it questions, until you know. Otherwise, you would kill me and then my clone would kill you, so it's game over for the two of us."

"That's easy for me. Your clone probably hasn't been exposed to your mother tongue enough to speak it like a native."

He was no fun.

"Imagine it has."

"Then I would ask her to tell me what is her favorite part of Shrek."

"The donkey and the dragon getting together is everybody's favorite part of Shrek."

He chuckled at that, it being a catalyst for you to smile.

"How would you do it?"

"Hm?" You were just staring at his beautiful face and couldn't even remember what the conversation was about. "Ah, tell you apart from your clone?"


"Hm... I don't really know. I couldn't ask it about your personal life, because I really don't know much about it either way..."

"What do you want to know?"

You stopped walking abruptly, and squinted your eyes.

"Who are you and what have you done with Chishiya?"

"Just ask."

You thought for a second. What did you want to know about him? Well, apart from pretty much everything.

"Why do you want to become a doctor?"

"My father worked in the medicine field. It was natural for me to follow his footsteps."

"There has to be something else!"

"I also wanted to see if helping people would make me care more about life."

"And did it?"

"Now it's my turn to ask a question."

You wrinkled your nose, experiencing sharp pain for a second when doing it. It was healing a lot slower than you would have liked, but at least the bruises surrounding it were now a pale yellow, almost unnoticeable unless one would get too close.

Both of you were standing in the middle of the street, facing each other, but it was still a weirdly intimate situation.

"Let's hear it." You agreed.

"Your parents are still together, from what I have gathered, aren't they?"

"Depends on the day, the week, the month and the alignment of the stars. They were very in love when I was a kid, but it was tumultuous. Now... They are together, but I think it is because they do not know how to live without the other person."

"I take it that's not your idea of love."

"Of course not. I'm a hopeless romantic. What's the point of love if it doesn't burn, if it doesn't feel like a lightning bolt through every cell of your being? I would want to meet someone that I never get tired of seeing in the morning. Can you imagine, waking up and being like "oh, it's you again"? Sounds depressing."

"Have you met that someone already?"

"Well, yeah, you."

He looked at you, startled, even flustered. He didn't expect that.

To be honest, you didn't either. The words had just come out of your mouth, and there had been no thought process behind them.

His smirk reappeared within seconds.

"Are you saying you could wake up every single day of your life next to me and never get tired of doing it?"

"I said what I said, draw your own conclusions. Also, my life could end this afternoon, so you should hope I don't get tired of you before that." Your words sounded angry, if only because you really didn't want him messing with you regarding that particular topic. They were your Achilles' heel, your feelings for him. You really, really, needed to learn to think before you spoke.

He lifted both hands, still smiling.

"No need to get so defensive. Plus..." He took a step closer to you. And then another, until your could almost feel his breath on your lips. "I don't think I could get tired of you, either. And I have yet to see that birthmark you mentioned."

And just like that, he kept walking.

You were left standing there, eyes closed, lips parted and moving, waiting for that kiss.

Until you realized it wasn't happening, and sprinted behind him.

He was laughing, and as good as it felt to hear him do that, you were outraged.

"You're going to pay for this!"

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