Chapter 28 - Remember me, love

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I was housed by your warmth, thus transformed
By your grounded and giving and darkening scorn
Remember me, love, when I'm reborn
As the shrike to your sharp and glorious thorn

"We need to move them behind a car." Arisu grabbed you by your amrs, forcefully separating you from Chishiya. Your bloody hands. Your mouth dry as dust. Your cheeks wet with tears. "Listen to me, he will be fine. But we can't go any further unless we beat the King of Spades."

You just stared at him, eyes empty. You knew the words that were coming out of his mouth, knew what they meant. But you didn't understand them.

"You have to..." That was a voice that, for you, could even reanimate the dead, so it definitely could pull you out from the darkest corners of your mind. Your eyes went from Arisu to Chishiya. Usagi had placed him behind a car, his back resting against it. His face pale, his white jacket full of crimson red blood. "Beat the remaining games. Then we will return to the real world."

"I don't want to leave you." Just the thought of it made you sick.

"I promise you I will still be here when you return." It seemed like every single word he managed to utter was extenuating him further and further, so you just simply nodded, not wanting him to speak more. 

"Don't die." You whispered, nearly choking on the pain of saying those words. He simply chuckled, looking lovingly at you. 

You wished there could have been more. A kiss, a hug. Holding hands. But there couldn't be. If your skin came in contact with his, you would never leave. You took a long breath.

You clenched your fists, set your jaw and turned to Arisu who had been silently watching the exchange. You had to continue, you had to clear the game. That's the task that came with surviving, that's what was fair. "Let's go."

Players were already coming towards Shibuya, just as you and Chishiya had done earlier. 

Usagi, Arisu and you run, crouching behind vehicles every time you heard a shot, which was roughly once every couple of minutes. The remaining players looked terrified, and most of them were screaming. Two of them didn't, though.

You focused your eyes on them. They were still far, but you could have sworn one of them was wearing a blue bikini top and had dreadlocks in her hair.

"Kuina!" You screamed, forgetting about the fact that you didn't want to attract attention to yourselves. She ran to you, with Ann, who you were also relieved to see.

But Kuina was the second most important person for you in the Borderlands. 

You didn't say anything when she was finally standing in front of you, and just hugged her unceremoniously, clumsily, seeing as you were both squatting behind a car.

"Where's Chishiya?" She asked when you let go of each other. You could see the worry on her eyes.

"He'll be fine. He got hurt, but he is safe." You answered way too quickly. Your friend looked at you, at your face. She knew you were lying. But she must have understood why you had to lie.

It was impossible that no one could get a glimpse of the storm that was going on inside of you. 

"Let's defeat the King of Spades." She said, simply, determined.

More shots.

A guy running in front of you dropping to the floor, six or seven bullet wounds in his torso.

You all got out of there, trying to put some distance between you and the King of Spades.

It was the first time you saw him. It was a tall man, muscular but still lean, his face covered by a mask. He was also wearing a dark cape with a hood, as well as other military attire.

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