Chapter (13): Third Date is a Charm

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Sage went upstairs after Adrienne dropped her off in front of her building a minute ago. She couldn't contain her smile after her talk with Adrienne all night. Right after dinner, they sat on the couch savoring their drinks pleasantly, and there were hands and arms touches included in their conversation. It made her comfortable enough to talk with Adrienne about some parts of her life, the good parts, but she left out all the bad and odd parts in her life. Adrienne offered to give her a ride home since it was already dark and Sage appreciated her care and now she is at her home, taking off her heels happily as she hummed to herself, making her way to the shower.

Meanwhile, Adrienne opened the door and entered smiling widely at her progress tonight. She was sure she earned some exceptional points tonight from getting to know the simplest things about Sage, like how she isn't the flower type of girl, more of chocolate and snuggles, and the fact that Sage was into sketching and portrait drawing, and how she smiles shyly every time Adrienne touches her hand or her arm unknowingly. Those simple things made her heart melt whenever her eyes caught the heat rising in the hazel blue eyed girl's cheeks.

She chuckled at herself as she unbuttoned her shirt and walked over to the bedroom with the phone in her hand, dialing Hanna to say goodnight to her daughter. Taking a seat on the bed, she sighed in content when she heard Hanna on the other end calling out Freya. She wished her goodnight and then Hanna took back her phone after tucking Freya in bed.


Adrienne laughed lightly. "It was great, Han. I had a great time with her."

"So that means you're gonna see her again, right?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna see her tomorrow. We decided to, uh," She rubbed her temple and chuckled. "... you know what, I won't tell you because you'll stalk us and it'll creep the shit out of her."

"I hate you."

"I know." Adrienne glanced at the clock on the nightstand and pressed the phone on her ear as she took off her shirt and slid it over her shoulder. "Did you talk to dad?"

There was silence on the other end but then she heard an exhale escape her lips. "He did but I didn't answer. I'm just not ready and I'm too tired to reason with him about my major and... I said unforgivable words to him that night. What kind of daughter would say that to her own father?"

"The kind of daughter who wants the good for everyone, that's what you are. You're protecting him but in your own way. Look, you don't hate him. You just... have your own perspective on a few things and you might not get along with dad on them. Just call him when you chill down and explain your point of view calmly and everything will work out in the end. It always does between you two."

"And what about the fact that I'm a law student and he doesn't like it because I could sniff his dirty work from a mile away?"

"You'll figure it out on your own, Hanna. It's your passion to work in courtrooms. Just remind him why you applied into law school in the first place and I'm sure he will understand and will leave you be."

"Hopefully you're right." She sighed. "Okay, I'm gonna head to bed, and good luck for tomorrow's date. Wait, is it gonna be your third date with her?"

"Yep!" She answered with a sigh, knowing what's coming ahead of her from her sister's endless questions.

"Did you guys kiss?"

She rolled her eyes. "Goodnight Hanna, love you. Bye!"

She hung up on her before she could start her usual interrogation. She put the phone on the nightstand as she lied down on the bed, running her hands over her face.

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