"Mommy issues"

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I start trembling and choking on my words, I can't believe this. "Hi sweetheart." She smiles at me, my confusion soon turns to anger and hatred. "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS, YOU LEAVE WHEN I'M 5 AND THE FIRST THING YOU SAY TO ME IS 'HI SWEETHEART' WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU." I scream, "I know and I'm sorry honey, wow you've grown so much." She says, "ya, it's only been 11 years since you've seen me. Wonder why." I say hatred in my voice. "I don't want to fucking talk to you, just go back to where you came from. Your not welcome here." I say, I see the sadness in her eyes but I didn't care, she ruined my life, she was the one who made me have to grow up without a mom. My dad even though he is abusive was 10 times better than her, at least he was there, he taught me to be strong and my mom all she did was leave us for another family. And now she's back and thinks I'm gonna just forgive her. I think the fuck not. "Honey I know your mad at me but please just give me a chance." She says, "I'm not your honey bitch, and of course I'm mad at you, what did you expect? Huh? You LEFT me do you not realize that? You had your chance and you blew it and I don't give second chances, and for the record, dad might not be the best, but at least he stuck around and didn't leave for another family, I hate you, and I'm never gonna forgive you, so just leave and never come back I never want to see you again, this is MY teritorry so back the hell off. And get the hell of my side of the island kook." I say and walk out the door. I didn't mention my mom and her new family are rich and that makes her a kook. She better be out of Outer Banks when I come home or I WILL drag her ass out. 

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