1: Very Odd [REVISED]

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A/N: Before you started reading... Well, I need these thoughts to get out of my head...so! I got inspired to create a fanfiction regarding SnapexReader because I've read ALOT. I really like some fanfictions here and on archiveofourown. Also, please don't judge me because I sucks...I admit that I sucks but please cheer me up whenever I update this story...Well, I know you guys doesn't care so let's start...

Y/N: your name
L/N: your last name
O/N: your owl name (I am sorry if you liked another pet besides owl)
BFF/N: your friend name
E/C: your eye color
H/C: your hair color
H/L: your hair length
F/N: your father's name
M/N: your mother's name



Greetings! I decided to polish this story further because I ended up reading it from the middle through the end. I will revise some part and make the sequence more distinct and clear though I am not sure when I will finish editing this book due to personal reasons. So, uhhh... yes.. I would also like to thank everyone who read or who take an interest to click this book of mine!

For more information, you can visit my profile and find the message I have posted regarding the revision! Thank you!

[EDITED ON 03/23/23!]


Y/N L/N is still thrilled that she is finally going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! The current feeling she feels on her pounding heart is quite unexplainable... Is she enthusiastic or frightened?

With one last glance on the notable Hogwarts crest in her hand, the girl put the invitation on the study table. Looking at the windows, Y/N's eyes widened when the sun is starting to rise. She heard that people frequents Diagon Alley and by sunrise, it is swarmed with witch and wizards. So, the young witch organized her bed and decided to buy the requirements that she needed.

Opening the door carefully, muffled voice downstairs can be heard. Her parents is arguing once again. Y/N let out a heavy sigh. The voices is too distant to hear so she take a step forward, closing her door quietly. The girl really want to know the problem that her parents is facing at the moment though she is not in the position to meddle. The response she mainly receive from her mother is a stereotype, 'You are too young to understand.'

Perhaps it is her gender that gives her father a headache? Men is more useful than women even in the past so they may be upset that the only child they bore is a girl like her. She rolled her eyes at the stupid thought. Why is it a big deal in the society to bear a boy, not a girl?

"F/N! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN LATELY? YOU ARE GOING OUT OF THIS DAMNED HOUSE EVERY NIGHT AND COMING HOME IN THE MORNING DRUNK! I CAN'T REALLY BELIEVE YOU! DRINKING WOULDN'T MAKE THE PROBLEM GO AWAY F/N!" Her mother screamed and Y/N immediately flinched at the sudden increase of the volume. The girl is still adjusting from witnessing her parents on having a heated conversation lately though she is very eager to know the root of the problem that her mother mentioned.

Y/N went to the hallway and hid herself on the stair railings. She quietly snoop over her parents. Her father seems very calmed whilst her mother is looking railed. Another sigh escaped her mouth when she remembered that she is supposed to gather her requirements early in the morning and all she receive is a squabble from her parents.

When the girl had enough, she descended from the stairs, surprising her mother who immediately wipe the tears away from her eyes.
"Where are you going Y/N?" Her mother asked looking somewhere else.

"Good morning mom and good morning dad. I needed to purchase the required implements that the school enforced. I am wondering if you can come with me." The girl inquired cautiously. To her dismay, her mother just waggle her head in disagreement.

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