21: Janus Thickey Ward

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The term finally ended with unexpected traumatic events that bring Y/N bewilderment everyday.

Despite that, she is still very thankful for the comfort of her parents after they find out what horrible event occurred last June.

"Are you sure sweetheart? We heard about 'that' man." M/N look at her daughter warily.

Y/N sighs softly and smiled at her mother. "Of course mom. H-He... He lost all of his memories because of his foolishness and desire to be on the spotlight but... He was-...is my friend..." Her mom finished making the sandwiches Y/N asked her to make. She rolled her eyes playfully to her daughter, admitting that she just gave up.

M/N went to sit on their black leather couch to where Y/N is seated. "I am so sorry sweetheart that I couldn’t understand you but you know that we’re doing this for your own good. I don’t want something to happen to you Y/N. Can you promise me that you’ll be careful anywhere, anytime?”

Y/N sighed once again. She understand her parents. They just wanted the best for her but she can't risk the opportunity.

“I promise mom.” she lied.

She hugged her mother very tight like someone is going to steal her mother away from her. Y/N know inside that she will broke her promises. But she assured herself that it will do her parents good. She will protect them no matter what happens.

“It looks like your dad finally here. Are you ready to go to St. Mungo’s?” M/N broke their embrace and Y/N noticed that her mother wipe her remaining tears away from her eyes.

She just nodded and hug her mother once again. Y/N love them so much and she’ll show You-Know-Who that he’s not what he think he is. Yes, Y/N is very afraid of him. The dark lord might take her parents’ lives anytime he wanted to. But that thought doesn’t stop her. Instead, it gives her confidence.

“Hon, let’s go. I’ve bought anything you asked for. New pencils, colors, papers and some books. Are you really sure about this? We can just send these things to him.” Her dad entered their living room and place a kiss to both of the girls. “I am more than sure dad. Besides, I promised. There’s no way in hell I will break my promises.” Y/N nervously laugh. She hates breaking promises, however, when there's a time she needed to... She absolutely will.

Besides, the matter about Y/N's 'parents' are still floating in her head. She is very determined to investigate about ‘Caldwell Astor’ and ‘Agrona Astor’. Though now, L/N doesn’t have any idea who in the hell they are.

“Okay then. Hop in the car ladies.”


They finally left their house, located at Knightsbridge, London.

While her father drives their Ford Sierra RS Cosworth towards the said Hospital, Y/N couldn’t wait to see Lockhart. She rechecked the books she brought with her for five times already.

Her hand brushed over the book cover of ‘Magical Me', Lockhart’s autobiography. A small smile left her lips while she organizes the books in the special tote bag for Lockhart.

The ride took them a very short time to arrive at St. Mungo’s Hospital because it's only a few kilometers away from their house.

They stand infront of a very ordinary store that is closed because of renovation. Y/N confusingly look at her father.

"Where is the hospital?" but F/N didn't answer Y/N and instead, he grasp her shoulder and guide her towards the back of the store.

"Come here, we shouldn't be seen." Y/N noticed that the place is very similar to 'Leaky Cauldron'. Maybe the muggles cannot see the back door of the building that she didn't even noticed until now.

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