22: Bladder

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Y/N is very confused of her parents actions after the letter from Hogwarts arrived in their household.

Thankfully, she got letters from her friends. Granger, Weasley, Potter and BFF/N. Telling her their vacation and sending her sweets and stuffs.

However, that didn't keep her from being irratated for the fact that her father makes her swore to stay in the house no matter what happens. He even bought everything else on the 3rd year requirements list without her tagging along in the diagon alley.

Y/N felt unfair about it. She usually go with them but her parents didn't allowed her to even put a toe out of their house.

Now, she heard them arguing downstairs. She opened the door of her personal room to listen to her parents. Of course there must be a reason behind their fishy movements.

"She might be in danger! No! She IS in danger. Listen! We gotta get her stay in our house! I am begging you." Y/N eyebrows crashed against each other as she can hear her mom's shaky voice.

"No darling, you listen to me. This is one of the reason why I always drink every night. I am scared too! I am trying to forget every bits of it! But.. There is no safer place than Hogwarts. Besides! Albus Dumbledore, the greatest wizard of all time is there. We have no choice!" Her father sounds alittle harsh, angry and... Desperate. The tone she never heard her father use before.

Not even when she over hears them arguing every morning. It's too different!

"I—I... Oka—" M/N didn't get to finish her sentence when Chigo the house elf appeared infront of Y/N.

"Chigo! What the bloody hell are you doing?!" she shrieked. Her head darted towards her parents direction to see them being alerted of the sudden noise.

Y/N bolted inside her room, keeping herself busy, pretending to arrange everything else on her luggage.

She didn't forget to glare at the house elf and as expected, her parents knocked on her door. "Come in." she muttered and innocently smiled at them.

"What's with the noise sweetheart?" It's evident to M/N face that they're keeping something from her but she decided not to ask for it. Besides, her father is very terrible at lying.

"Oh nothing mom just putting my pictures with Gilderoy in the luggage. I almost forgot about it." she lied, smiling.

Her parents just nodded and her dad look at his wristwatch. "It's almost ten o'clock. We gotta go."


They arrived at the train station, the same atmosphere as last year.

"Mom. I can take it from here." M/N quickly shook her head in disagreement.

"No no darling. W—We.. We wanted to see you get in safely on the train." Y/N rolled her eyes as her father pushes the trolley for her.

"Fine." she sneered and lazily run towards the barrier.

There are only few witches and wizards around. Maybe because it's too early.

"Professor Lupin!" Y/N shouted as she sighted the man from afar, ignoring her parents.

"Y/N!" his face lit up and he quickly walk towards the girl.

"Early huh. Want a help on the carriage?" before her father could speak in protest she nodded her head anticipatedly.

"Mom, dad. I think I am safe with the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor... Wouldn't I?" Y/N's parents just sigh and gave Lupin a look that Y/N didn't see because she just joined Lupin's side.

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