7: D'Dark figure

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I opened my eyes very slowly... Everything is blurry and I felt like I have died then come back alive again. Thank goodness because the room is not really bright or else i might pluck my eyes out.

There is a very very dark figure leaning on my face. Only an inch and our lips will meet each other... If I am dead already, atleast I will get a chance to kiss someone... I suddenly remembered that you gotta hook up with someone before you die...I've read about it on some romance novel... But obviously, I shouldn't have thinkinh these nonsensical things.

I hope I will always wake up with this beautiful concern black eyes is staring directly at my E/C one. I groaned and smile at this beautiful figure in front of me.

My gaze went down on his hooked long nose... Why do I feel like I needed to touch it? My heart is pounding crazily on my chest as I slowly lifted my hands to touch the nose but a slender hand immediately caught my hand.

"Miss L/N..." a very familiar deep voice growled. My eyes went wide and I immediately stand up on the couch. I look around and I am in an unfamiliar room.

"What happened? Did I failed to do the potion? Hell no! Where the hell am I? Shakespeare's house?" panic is evident on my voice. Bloody hell.
Of course i love Shakespeare but this isn't the time to brag about him!

"Professor! Please speak!" I desperately shouted at him as he just sigh tiredly. I noticed behind him that there's a lot of ingredients, vials and a cauldron on a very antique table.

"You... You are successful.." another heavy sigh can be heard and the other relief sigh is from me. He brush his hair off his face gently.

"I can see it on how you took the potion well..." I confusedly look at him. "What do you mean 'took' it?"

"You, stupid girl smelled the Draught of Living Death- your potion is so effective that by smelling the fragrance of it will cause you to be put in a very deep sleep... You thought you are so great just because you successfully created this complicated potion? You are still an imbecile..." He irritatedly snarled at me while glaring straight into my E/C eyes.

I cleared my throat and glared back at him. "Why you didn't just bring me to Madam Pomfrey then?" I smirks as he furrowed his brows. The peripheral vision of my eyes noticed that he have been fidgeting his fingers.

"Why bother Madam Pomfrey when I- myself can wake you up in a matter of seconds with a simple potion as Wiggenweld?!" Snape yelled rather childishly, towering me then backing off. "Now that you are annoyingly conscious, get out." He coldly said as he pointed at the door.

"Is this your room? I wonder... No! This is the secret room behind your desk at the potion classroom!" I cheerily said, accidentally poking his arm playfully.

"E-erm... Anyway... I am still grateful that you still put a little effort for waking me up... Thanks Professor." I quietly mumbled and roam my eyes around. The room is very dull, like life doesn't exist in here.

Of course, as expected, he did not say anything. "Bye Professor..." I exited his room without him saying a thing to me. It's dinner and the coldness on the dungeon hit my skin that causes my skinhairs to stand.

"Bloody dungeon." I mumbled and walk my way towards the greathall.


Y/N is being bombarded of questions by Draco Malfoy who's sitting infront of her.

Students are eating their dinner, so does the teachers too.

"Y/N! Where have you been? How did it go with Snape? Are you alright? Oh no im so sorry Y/N..." Draco sadly said as he pushes some sliced cheese on his mouth. He seems like he had already finished his dinner.

"It's really fine Draco. I've successfully made the Draught of Living Death! I've done it! But there's just alittle accident but it is fine already..." L/N whispered happily at the blonde man. Y/N put a mouthful of rice on her mouth as she cheekily smiled at Draco.

"I knew you've done it! It's no surprising... You have been reading several books about potion instead of talking to me..." Malfoy rolled his ocean blue eyes and pouted his cute lips at her which earned a giggle from Y/N.

"You know what? Fine! We'll do anything you want this whole school year... I couldn't care less! I finally proved myself worthy..." Y/N assured him and Draco smiled sweetly. Everyone knew that Draco is an ass, especially for those who aren't Slytherin but Y/N really found him kind and loving even though he doesn't like to admit it.

"You better get yourself ready then!" Malfoy said his goodbye at her when Crabbe and Goyle finished eating.

Harry noticed that Draco is now gone and went to sit beside Y/N.

"Potter -- Just like your father...can't keep his bum sticking on a single place... " Snape glared at him and spike Harry with his venomous sentence.

Harry just glared back at him and Y/N quickly noticed the heated staring competition between the two.

The Potion Master himself doesn't know why he is so irritated when he already knew that Potter will come to sit beside Y/N. Snape rolled his eyes and decided to go towards the high table and sit besides Dumbledore.

"Hey Y/N... How are you?" Harry smiled as he ask L/N. He sits besides her and shyly look at the ground.

"Well, I don't have any detention with the git anymore!" out of happiness, Y/N hugged the famous Harry Potter very tight.

Harry just gulped and awkwardly wrap his arms on her. "It means you succeed! Brilliant!" he praised her after breaking the embrace.

Y/N just nodded happily and Harry told her about what they have discussed, the three headed dog. She promised him that she'll help them about it.

Once again, Harry thanked her and
peck her cheek then leave.

BFF/N chuckled beside Y/N when she noticed that L/N frozed on the spot with her cheek flushed and her eyes is bulging on her skull.

"Are you alright? Seems like Harry Potter is interested in you huh." Y/N and BFF/N aren't that close but they speak often before going to sleep every night.

They often speak about how Y/N hated Snape all over her bones and how they both loved charm class.

"Shut it BFF/N..." she giggled and hit her friend's arm.

The greasy bat of course watch everything that happened. His blood is boiling like an erupting lava that he almost put a hole on his plate. "Severus are you alright?" The headmaster suddenly spoke, causing Snape to be surprised and the fork he was holding a while ago flew through the air.

Everyone who noticed it gasp but the brilliant Potion Master handled it with ease and act like nothing happened. "I am fine headmaster..." Snape muttered and decided to leave the great hall.


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