35: Y/N Astor

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Little Hangleton Graveyard, England


"My lord, she looks like she's fighting your powers—"

"Silence Agrona! That Smith! Foolish girl! She did not do her job well... " Voldemort hissed, seeing her memories like an open book.

The death eaters cannot help to wince as they watched the unconscious little girl kneeling infront of them.

There are different types of snakes binding her body to the ground, completely disabling her ability to have a full control over her figure.

Voldemort's eyes glittered as he struggle to continue reading her mind. The sudden burst of light from L/N made the Dark Lord thrown a few centimeters from the scene.

"ENOUGH." The girl's powerful voice boomed the area and the deatheaters cannot wait to see the event unfolds before their eyes.

Voldemort snake-like-tongue slightly lick his not-so-human lips. His face indicated that he's slightly delighted and abashed from what is happening.

"Y/N Astor." his voice like whisper threatened the deatheaters, making them shudder as the wind blows.

The Dark Lord slowly made his way towards L/N. His hand is stroking his wand slightly as his red eyes went to gaze at the little girl.

L/N let out some gasps as she absorbs the scene before her eyes. She can feel her petite body becoming weak as the seconds passes by. Her E/C eyes clearly stated sorrow and anger.

The blinding light slowly banished and her body fell like a feather on the ground. L/N scruffles to sit up straight.

"W—Where's my parents?"

A moment of silence passed. The look on Voldemort's face is mocking the girl completely.

"I—I said... Where's my parents?" Even though she's struggling, L/N slowly look up to glared at You-Know-Who.

Voldemort's lips parted as it slowly curled into a very wicked smile. He lean in very closely to analyze the girl's face. "The legitimate one? There."

His slender finger slowly pointed towards where Agrona and Caldwell Astor are. "The foster one? I am afraid you can see them no more as you treated my threat as a mere antics."

L/N brows crashed into eachother as her eyes lit a very glazing yellowish light in an instance. "Bring me my parents! Bring me—"

Voldemort wrap his right hand around the girl's neck, choking her completely. "I've been really patient Y/N and deserve a praise from you but... I cannot endure your whining."

L/N tried so hard to resist but she isn't in her state to fight.

"Let's put it this way little girlA what? Little girl?" The dark lord tried to suppress a chortle but ended up laughing all the way.

"You can't really recall your stupid memories? Eh? How come... If I were your parents I'll be greatly disappointed..." Voldemort raise his finger to call Agrona and Caldwell.

They immediately walk beside their lord, looking down disgustingly on the girl below them. "Tell your lovely daughter... Tell her..." The Astors flinches as they recognize the impatience on the Dark Lord's voice.

"Y—You stupid wench!" Agrona's eyes is almost bulging out of her eyesocket. Voldemort watches the girl carefully, studying her reaction and features.

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