1: Very Odd

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A/N: Before you started reading... Well, I need these thoughts to get out of my head...so! I got inspired to create a fanfiction regarding SnapexReader because I've read ALOT. I really like some fanfictions here and on archiveofourown. Also, please don't judge me because I sucks...I admit that I sucks but please cheer me up whenever I update this story...Well, I know you guys doesn't care so let's start...

Y/N: your name
L/N: your last name
O/N: your owl name (I am sorry if you liked another pet besides owl)
BFF/N: your friend name
E/C: your eye color
H/C: your hair color
H/L: your hair length
F/N: your father's name
M/N: your mother's name




I can't believe that I am finally going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! I can't express the feelings that I've been feeling right now... sooo I put the invitation on my study table and decided to buy the requirements that I need.

I got up from my bed and opened my door slightly. I can hear from afar that my parents are arguing again. They'd been arguing a lot lately for some unknown reason and I am not in the position to meddle in their businesses.

I am their only daughter and also a disappointment. Why? Because they expect a SON. Look what they have, a DAUGHTER.

"F/N! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN LATELY? YOU ARE GOING OUT OF THIS DAMNED HOUSE EVERY NIGHT AND COMING HOME IN THE MORNING DRUNK! I CAN'T REALLY BELIEVE YOU! DRINKING WOULDN'T MAKE THE PROBLEM GO AWAY F/N!" my mother screamed and I kinda flinched...I am not really used to see and hear them fighting. What problem does she mean?

I walk to the stair railings quietly to peek over them. My father seems very calmed while my mother is looking railed. Ughhh. I can't believe that they are fighting very early in the morning! I slowly walk down the stairs as my father sighs.

"Where are you going Y/N?" my mother asked looking somewhere else so that she can hide her riled face to me. "Uhm, mom...I'm just gonna buy my requirements for school...I am wondering if you can come with me..." I ask gently and she just waggle her head in disagreement.

"I can't Y/N. Just ask the house elf to come with you, okay?" she plainly said as she quickly snatched my father's wrist and they goes upstairs. I sigh and manage to cheer myself up. "Y/N, are you okay?" Chigo ask as he quietly come near me.

I nodded my head and ask him to come with me. We arrived at the diagon alley and I think it's fantastic. "Miss, I think I can go to buy the rest of your requirements except your wand." Chigo said quietly as he slowly lends his short hand to me.

"Is it really okay? I can manage to get them myself." I don't really like the idea of the house elves getting that absurd treatments, especially from those wealthy families. "It's okay Miss..." he smiles and I lend him the requirements. "Okay then. I am going to the Ollivander to get my wand."

We parted ways and I carefully opened the door. The bell chimed and the door creaked loudly as I see an old man.

"Oh... A L/N... A very powerful family... Your mother and father have proved themselves in the past. They are indeed a very powerful sorceress." I furrowed my brows. I didn't know that my family is powerful.

"Come, I exactly knew what kind of wand you must possess." I slowly walk near him and he goes to the back of his shop. I patiently waited for him when the door creaked aloud.

I see a blonde man with a blonde boy, maybe his son. The man is holding a crane with very sophisticated clothes while the boy is wearing a smirk in his face and they look really wealthy. "Are you getting your wand too?" he asks as he present his hand in front of me.

"Well...I am Draco, Draco Malfoy." he proudly said and I shyly shook his hand. "I am Y/N, Y/N L/N." His father's right brow arched as he goes near us.

"Hmm. A L/N. Very pleasant to meet you Y/N L/N. I am Lucius Malfoy." I smiled awkwardly to him and also shook his hand. Before he could speak, Mister Ollivander is already here presenting me a wand.

"L/N, here. Try this wand. An ebony wand with a core of dragon heartstring... 13 1/2 inches long... " He gives me a jet-black wand... I look over the Malfoys and their eyes is sticking on me, watching me intently.

I gulped and pointed it on some books but it reacted violently so Mr. Ollivander quickly snatch it out of my hand. "Absolutely not yours. But can be very useful for you. " he chuckled lightly and went to the back of the store again.

"They said that if you're having a difficulty on picking a wand, you're a very powerful wizard nor witch." Draco said while smiling. I just awkwardly smile a little and Mr. Ollivander gave me another wand. I hope this time I'll finally get the wand that is perfectly suited for me.

"Here, a wand that is made of elder wood.... Very rare wood in fact... There is a very famous wand made of elder wood and it is the elder wand itself... The most powerful wand in the wizarding world... Hmmm with a core of dragon heartstring... Very powerful core... And 12 1/2 inches long... " It's mesmerizing to watch and hear Ollivander to explain the description of the wand.

I carefully acquire the wand that has a very rare wood and very powerful core... Is he even sure that I deserve this? I hope the Malfoys won't laugh if I failed to have this wand.

I felt some sort of magnetic energy flew through my veins and I cautiously point it on the wand case. The wand case gently floats on the air. "Hmmm. Very odd... I only have fewer wands that is made of elder wood and one of the fewer wand is in your hand. Careful though, it can lead you to the brightest but also lead you to the darkest anytime."

I got goosebumps as Ollivander speaks while looking into my eyes intently. Lucius Malfoy cleared his throat and Ollivander greeted him nicely. "Thank you, Mr. Ollivander... And nice meeting you Draco and Lucius Malfoy..." they just nodded and I started to walk towards the door.

"Well Miss. L/N, whenever you're in need of help you can come to us." Lucius said, looking at me intently then averted his gaze towards Ollivander.

I only smiled and exited the shop. Very strange feeling I got. I am very nervous about this wand of mine...

"Miss Y/N!" It looks like Chigo finished getting my requirements and we decided to go home.

Tomorrow, I'll be at Hogwarts... I don't know if I will be excited or not...


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