3: First meeting

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We arrived on the castle and I cannot help it but to stare at the gorgeous, astonishing and gigantic image of the school. My mouth gaped alittle as I wander my eyes around.

"Y/N! Hey!" I can hear Malfoy yelled from afar and I can see him with two other boys around him.

"Well, this is Crabbe and Goyle and she's L/N." They smiled alittle, not giving any interest.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside, I can see a red head glaring at him.

"What did you do to him?" i whispered and Draco just chuckled. "Put him in his place. Dont befriend him Y/N, low class. You must befriend the right one. " He simply said and shrugged.

The students chattering suddenly vanished when a woman in her 50s stop infront of us. She's wearing a dark green robe with a pointed black hat.

Her stare is like daggers that can fierce through everyone's skins.

I look up as she is standing on the higher floor. "Welcome to Hogwarts... " she explained each of the houses and it doesn't matter to me.

I really wanted to go home now... "Now follow me." she strictly said as she started walking towards the room called 'Great Hall'.

"Y/N!" Hermione Granger rush towards me and clings on my arm. "I am so excited and nervous! We'll gonna be sorted via the sorting hat and I don't know where I will be sorted! How about you?" She gushes excitedly and I just sigh.

"Well, as you know already about my family. They were all in Slytherin...." she just nodded and I looked up the floating candles above and it's surprising to see the ceiling is a sky full of stars.

It's bewitch, it's fake...well I got a few knowledge because I am a boring person. I've read it at home.

"It's not real, the ceiling. It's just bewitched to look like the night sky. I read about it in Hogwarts: A History." she explains as everyone stared at her in awe.

*Fast Forward*

Professor Mcgonagall started calling out names and Hermione got sorted into Gryffindor. Shame, she would make a good friend.

I could hear the two boys infront of me talking about how bad Slytherin are. Now, i dont want to be put there. I wanted to live my life to the fullest not to the darkest!

Draco has been called and the hat doesn't even touch his head and he's immediately put on Slytherin.

"Harry Potter." Everyone gazed at him, including me and I noticed Albus Dumbledore stared attentively at him too, including the other staffs.

A black with a shoulder length haired Professor caught my eyes. He has a very hypnotic black eyes and a hooked nose, also have a very thin lips and a nice cheek-

"Y/N L/N!" I got brought back into the reality as Professor Mcgonagall started yelling my name.

I walk towards the stool and the Professor carefully put the hat on my head.

"Hmmm." I squinched. His voice is so startling! "I see... A L/N... Your family proves themselves up to the greatness...cunning and ambitious...but you seems very different..." Just get on with it... Hurry...

"Little miss got a temper huh... Well better be... SLYTHERIN!" The slytherins applaud, including Malfoy.

I glanced at Granger and she just shrugged and smiled thinly at me.

"Y/N come here! Sit besides me hurry!" Draco snapped, pushing his two friends aside.

*fast forward*

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