23: Black

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Thankfully, the term started normally except, there are bloody dementors patrolling the castle. Damn them. I am still curious about that wretched scream I heard before I passed out. I don't know who it was. It's scary and...sad.

Err... On the other side, Draco Malfoy isn't helping at all. He kept on getting in my way! I don't even remember that I forgave him already. Ugh. He's moaning loudly when Buckbeak, the hippogriff didn't even scratch him. He kept acting like he was torned apart. Poor Hagrid.

Anyway, I've been liking the lessons in Transfiguration and I've been acing the DADA too in the past few weeks... Thanks to Professor Lupin who didn't mind tutoring me after the classes ended. He's so skillful... And very kind. Unlike that Potion Master.

Speaking of the git... Snape didn't give me any answer about him attending my christening.

Though, that didn't stop me from bugging him off even every time I asked him about it he keeps ignoring me and kept on taking 5 points.

He acts like a jerk and pretends that nothing totally happened between us! I mean, we kissed and h—he hugged me in his own will! And now... He's ignoring me?! I know that it's wrong... I mean he's a teacher and obviously I'm a student! But... He can't do whatever he wanted to do to me!

"Y/N. Why are you zoning out?" Professor Lupin tap my back, waking my senses up.

"Oh... Well.. Uhh.. Nothing Professor." I awkwardly cleared my throat and stand up from my seat, facing him.

"Oh come on. You look like you're thinking something." He stand in front of me, looking at me teasingly while messing with my hair.

"Professor." I warned playfully at him as I rolled my eyes but he just laugh it off. Uhm... Should I ask him about those Astors?

"P—Professor... Do you know anything about Caldwell and Agrona Astor?" His smile slowly faded on his face.

"Professor?" Lupin just blink his eyes, he cleared his throat and avoided my gazes.

"I don't know... Really... I just know that they're very fanatic of You-Know-Who... But! Are you excited for your new lesson?" I felt my body shivers. T—They are deatheaters?!

V—Vol—You-know-who isn't the type to bluff... Isn't he? No no no. My parents are F/N and M/N L/N not those human beings!

I jumped slightly when the door slammed harshly opened. Revealing Professor Snape?

"Professor Snape?" "Severus?"

He glared at us with the usual look he wears whenever he's ready to take away christmas from children.

Plus, he looked like he is very disgusted from what he is seeing at the moment.

"I am sure you're fully aware of the law Lupin? An improper relationship with a student can result in a criminal conviction, imprisonment and financial penalties... Shame. " Snape smirks, as his right brow went up.

Should I tell Dumbledore so that he could sack this git off? Thick face. Telling all of this when he, himself violated this law of—whatever! So annoying.

My hands is suddenly itchy.. It seems like it wanted to slap somebody. "Y/N. Calm down." Lupin whispered into my ears. Snape's smirk vanished from his lips.

"What's your business Severus? You see, we are occupied at the moment." Snape's eyebrows raised once again as he sent daggers into Lupin's eyes.

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