16: Beautiful Thing

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I wish I could evaporate right now. Professor Snape seems like he doesn't want me around and I am always a burden for Hermione...

I mean, they've been brewing the polyjuice potion and I don't have any single idea they have done it a month! Plus Harry is a parseltongue!

I am so dumb, I should've payed attention to that day where Professor Lockhart held a duelling club.

Everyone thought that Harry is the one who's opening the chamber of secrets... While we just find out that Draco doesn't know anything about the attacks either...

"Any day now, according to Madam Pomfrey. I'm just thankful I've stopped coughing up fur balls." Hermione softly stated and smiled alittle.

We are all in the Hospital Wing because of Hermione's little accident. She mistaken the hair of a cat thinking Millicent Bulstrode own it.

"We all are, believe me." we agreed with Ron while Hermione decided to ask another question about any new leads.

We just exchange sighs and shrugs. To be honest, I am getting scared of this too. What if something happen to us? Especially Hermione?

"To Miss Granger. Wishing you a
speedy recovery, from your
concerned teacher Gilderoy
Lockhart. You sleep with this
under your pillow?" i decided to brush off my thoughts and smirks at the letter on Ron's hand.

Harry met my E/C eyes for a moment and i decided to avert my gaze towards Hermione who's  blushing alittle.

After the few talks we had,  Madam Pomfrey shoo us so we said our goodbye to Hermiome and decided to leave the Hospital Wing.

"Hey Y/N... What's up?" Harry ask as we walk towards our schedule subject,  Potions.

I just smiled alittle and sigh. "Just the same... Didn't you notice anything strange about Professor Snape?" Ron rolled his eyes and Harry just shrugged.

"The git wasn't attacking you anymore Y/N. I don't know the reason but it's suspicious... Don't you think so?" I furrowed my brows and think alittle...

I suddenly remembered my dreams... About our kiss... His lips into mine... My heart beating crazily as I closed my eyes... Feeling every bit of it.

"Y/N?" I quickly shove my thoughts away and awkwardly laugh.

"A—Are you blushing?" Ron look at
me with a narrowed eyes.

"M—Me? No way!" with that I entered the classroom and go towards my respective chair.

Fortunately, I am seated besides BFF/N this year. "Hey Y/N" I just smiled at her and put my bag down below the desk.

After that argument with Draco... Some of the Slytherins are throwing filthy remarks at me but I couldn't care less.

"Hey L/N. How are you doing with that filthy mudblood friend of yours? Coughing ball of furs? Pfft"  Pansy Parkinson said as group of Slytherin annoyingly laugh with her. Since Draco and I argued, this Pansy Parkinson started embarassing me infront of everyone.

"Uhh. No. You know what Parkinson? Why don't you just put your tongue down on Malfoy's throat and shut the f up?" They went quiet and some students who aren't slytherin snickered. Including of course Harry and Ron who's on the third table behind us.  Draco rose from his seat, ready to attack me.

Pansy rolled her eyes at me. "you blood traitor!—" she doesn't get to finish her sentence when Snape entered the classroom.

He glared at me then look around. He walk towards us with his mesmerizing black cape following behind. "What's the business here?" I can see that stupid Pansy Parkinson lips crept into an annoying smirk.

"Professor! L/N have tried to put a prank on me and Draco!" She shrieked and look at Snape convincingly.

I smashed my palm on the desk and get up angrily. "Liar! Professor don't believe her—"

"Am I talking to you Miss L/N?" Snape snapped his head at me. I don't know but for some reason I feel an ache in my heart.

"What happened next... Miss Parkinson?" He quietly ask and I quickly glared at her direction.

Why can't he just listen to me?!

"Smith told us about it so we have prepared ourselves..." BFF/N quickly shook her head to disagree but Pansy glared at her before Snape's attention turn to BFF/N.

"Is that true Miss Smith?" BFF/N just nodded and look at me guiltily.

"No! Y/N is innocent Professor!" I opened my eyes wide and convince Harry to sit down because it won't do him good.

"twenty points from Gryffindor. Your opinion doesn't matter Potter." my brows smashed against eachother  as I glared at Parkinson.

I can see Malfoy is smirking at me so I rolled my eyes at him. The other gryffindor groans as they loses twenty points. I know they hated me because i am a Slytherin even when Harry said they don't.

"For that Miss L/N... Ready yourself for your detention with me every Saturday until the term ends." Snape sneered and I decided to shut the hell up.

I sighed silently and grumbled alittle. Detention? Until the end of the term? Merlin...


My old friend welcomed me with a smile. Here I am, scrubbing bunch of cauldrons with my hands and of course, without magic...

While cleaning the cauldrons... I noticed several of it are damaged...
Snape said that he'll take care of his own matter and said that I should mind my own business but from what it looks like, he seems to be experimenting something...

Thankfully, i am done cleaning the cauldrons and went to sit back on my desk, stretching my arms and back. "Oh. That's great." I groan with ease and Snape glared at me.

"I am sorry Professor." I faked a smile and show him a peace sign.

"Professor? Can I go now?" I said annoyingly, stretching the word Professor to irritate him more.

Why can't he just listen to me earlier? Such a one sided bastard.

"No, you still have an hour to finish your detention L/N." He growled but didn't look up at me.

"But I don't have anything to do... " I mumbled and look around. A bookshelf near Snape that caught my attention.

"Can I read one of your books?" I smiled at him with my best one but it didn't work on him.

"No." I rolled my eyes and sigh.


The detention ended few minutes ago but Y/N is still on Snape's classroom, leaning on her desk, sleeping heavily.

Snape just finished marking several T on the papers he was grading and remembering he isn't alone.

He quickly look up just to see Y/N sleeping peacefully on the table.

"Silly... " he muttered as a soft smile escape his lips.

Snape didn't realized it. But he is now sitting infront of Y/N's sleeping figure, staring at her peacefull face.

"Why must these events happen to such a beautiful thing like you?" Snape's black eyes went wide when Y/N slowly opened her eyes.

"P—Professor?" Perhaps, Snape said it too loud for L/N to hear.

He quickly bolted up, thinking about any alibis available. "Y—You. You are slacking off! D—Detention is over!" Then with that, Snape face his back on Y/N who's blinking her eyes repeatedly.

She doesn't know if she's seeing things but Y/N is sure that Snape blushed.


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