26: Obnubilate Figure

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Lupin constantly avoiding his favorite student everytime he crossed path with her.

The professor will dismiss her with excuses that L/N know is a bluff.

"What's wrong?" Smith asked. The girl sighed heavily and bit her lips.

"BFF/N... Professor Lupin is avoiding me. I don't like it at all." L/N sadly look at the ceiling above her.

"What could be the reason? I mean, obviously, you are his favorite student." Instead of giving a reply, Smith only heard a grunt from the girl.

"I can't tell you. Sorry." Smith went to comfort  her friend and gave her a very tight hug.

"I understand... How's your little feeling for Snape?" L/N quickly face her friend and give her a playful slap on her arms.

"Tsk. Speaking of the devil. I will talk to him. Regarding something. For now... Let's just sleep."

Smith's eyes twinkled under the moonlight outside as she is very eager to ask for more but decided not to.


"Severus.. How do you do with Miss L/N?" Snape rolled his eyes and sigh alittle.

"Thankfully, she stopped asking about her stupid christening... Headmaster... When is the time? The time to finally let her know? I am sick of it. My house keep losing points incase you didn't noticed." Snape sarcastically stated while rolling his eyes.

The old man just snorted and take a sip on his tea. "Soon Severus. I am afraid not now that she knows about Remus condition. Why did you do that?" Snape eyes shoot on Dumbledore with his right brow arching on his forehead.

The dungeon bat is impressed of Dumbledore's brilliance but he doesn't like his attitude of meddling in other people's businesses.

"How did you know about that headmaster?" Snape quietly asked as he bring the cup of tea in his pursed lips.

"I've asked you a question Severus." The old man smiled at him. Snape rolled his eyes once again and put down the cup back on the table.

"For her own safety. Isn't it my duty to protect my students? To protect her?" Snape may not notice the increasing volume of his voice but the headmaster did.

"Is it? I don't think it's the reason Severus. It's more likely that you wanted the girl to be frightened of Remus. You let Y/N know by simply exposing Remus weaknesses." Snape jolted up from the chair and with one last glare to Dumbledore, he left his office.


The next day came and students are keep on filling the benches to watch the quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.

Smith convinced her friend to come with her using the hufflepuff's pretty boy.

"If I don't see any pretty boy, I will gonna smack you BFF/N." she groaned and force herself to flop on the empty bench.

L/N sighed softly as she is thinking about some plans to get Lupin to talk to her again. Should she just keep Lupin's condition to herself? Is it wrong to tell her professor about his condition?

She got distracted with her thoughts when Granger and Weasley joined them with a smile.

"Wow. How did you convince her?" Granger asked Smith, smiling.

"Well, I told her about Cedric Diggory." Granger and Smith snickered at eachother and Weasley sit besides L/N.

"By the way Y/N. My mum asked if you wanted to spend your summer vacation on our house. Strange really. I mean, you said your family aren't close to mine but... Why is my mom acting like she's indebted to you."

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