chapter four

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Shadow's POV
As I was texting my sister Rouge, I noticed a cute blue hedgehog staring at me. It looked like he jerked a little and starting blushing but just looked away. Well I found that cute so I just smirked and he blushed even more, he also just sat down and closed his eyes with his music, how adorable. I was deciding whether to sit beside him and get to know him better. But he looks new, maybe he just moved here, hopefully he goes to my school.

Sonic's POV
I continued listening to music and when I opened my eyes and peeked a look at the handsome guy, I saw that he was looking straight at me! I started to blush again. I felt so embarrassed! He's probably thinking of how weird I am. So I just stood up and left before my parents got angry at me for staying out too late. Well, hopefully that guy is in my school.

Shadow's POV
I continued watching him from afar. I saw him open his eyes and look my way. He probably saw me looking straight at him because he turned his head so fast and started to blush again. My god, he is so adorable! Wait no, why am I thinking of this? Am I suddenly gay? Well I never knew. I can't believe a guy like that made me change my sexuality so fast. Oh, now he's walking away. Kinda sad but hopefully he goes to my school, it'll be much more fun with him around.

Sonic's POV
I laid down on my bed, trying to sleep. But I obviously couldn't with that dude at the park stuck in my mind. Part of me wanted to go to the same school as him but part of me also didn't so that my feelings wouldn't get stronger. But I started to think, how could I suddenly like someone just because of how they look? Maybe my brain is just playing tricks on me telling me that I actually like like him. Well, I'll just treat it like a very tinsy tiny crush.

God it was already 11pm and I'm still awake, thinking about him! Should I tell Gray about it? What if he doesn't support me? Well he is my best friend and maybe it'll help if I ever told him. So I picked up my phone and typed it in.

My text said, 'Dude I can't! I saw this guy at the park and omg! He got me blushing! But i'm not gay.. so how can this be?! Send help man.'

Surprisingly, he answered quite fast, 'wow dude! u just broke up with Sally today! and now u're already thinking of another GUY? well ok.. i support u, do u know whether he's in ur school or not?'

I replied, 'No.. but I hope so! Please don't tell Sally about this just yet! I'm sure she'll either get mad or sad from this situation.'

Came another message, 'yea same! maybe you'll get ur first boyfriend in ur life ;) and don't worry, ur secret is stuck with me, but i have to go now, BYEE!'

I texted a 'Byebye!!' back, switched off my phone and rested it on my stomach. Wow, I was so lucky to have a friend like Gray. I closed my eyes and tried so hard to sleep but no I still couldn't, I really couldn't get him off my mind. Like, I haven't felt this way before? It was so weird. I only managed to sleep at 2am and I got up late in the morning.

"Morning mom." I grumbled, still tired and also in my morning voice.

"Morning hun, why so late? You missed the pancakes I made for you. But thats okay, I'm making mac and cheese! Sit down, lunch is soon." Mom humbly said.

I sat down at the dinning table, rubbing my eyes and still half asleep. While that was happening, I suddenly got a text from Sally.

Sally!❤️: 'Morning babe! I mean Sonic.. sorry. But anyways, how are you?'

Me: 'Morn Sally! I'm fine what about u?'

Sally!❤️: 'I'm fine too! Wyd tho?'

Me: 'Nothing much.. since I just woke up after-all.'

Sally!❤️: 'Thats nice! Well gtg, ttyl!'

I don't know but talking to Sally feels different now. Like it just.. feels so weird to not be together with her anymore. She was my first girlfriend and I was hoping to get married with her someday. But now we aren't even together, maybe I'll meet someone else though?

After finishing the lunch Mom made for me, I ran upstairs, got changed and made a beeline to the park, hoping to see that special him again. Oh and I almost forgot! My beloved ipod and earpieces. I sat down at the very same bench and closed my eyes to my music. I opened my eyes and looked up, but sadly, I didn't him.

I closed my eyes again and jumped a little when I heard a sudden, "Hey." I sprung my eyes open and looked to my right, it was him!

"Oh, hello.." I blurted out nervously with my heart pumping both from the shock and him.

"Aren't you the guy from yesterday?" He asked with a little smirk, that made me blush.

"Uhm.. yea." I mumbled, still blushing.

"Heh, why hello! My name is Shadow, what about your's?" He asked, still looking at me with a smirk and that sexy look of his.

"Uh.. my name is S-S-Sonic!" I struggled to say as I blushed more. For God's sake! Stop looking at me like that!

"What a cute name.. mind if I get your number?" He smiled, while handing me his phone.

"N-No, n-not at all!" I stuttered, snatching his phone out of his hand and quickly typed in my number.

"Thanks cutie." He said as he took back his phone and OH MY FUCKING GOD! He touched my hand like, PURPOSELY! I started blushing so much I think I looked like a ripe tomato!

"You look cute when you blush." he complimented as he teleported away. I was still blushing hard, I couldn't even move! But wait, did he just disappear? Or was this all a dream? My question got answered as I got a notification from my phone. Saying, 'hey handsome, this is Shadow.'

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