chapter two

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The second day was quite lovely too! Even though Midnight and Roxanne had some other plans, I still had a blast with Gray and Sally. We went to my favourite park and Gray and I ran around, explored a little while Sally sat down at a bench as she said she was still tired from school and wanted to rest which also means me and Gray can do more boy-ly stuff!

"Three, two, one, GO!" I shouted as I took off, starting a race with Gray, but I reached the finish line before Gray could even run half of the race track.

"Phew, you are faster than I remember!" Gray said, taking breathes between each word as he was obviously out of breath.

As I looked at him, I almost started to tear up. I was going to miss him most, I never thought this day would come, the day I needed to leave my bestest friend of all time. It really hurt, it felt like I've been punched in the stomach, my throat started hurting from trying to hold in my tears, I couldn't help but shed a tear. Thankfully, Gray was looking another way and I could quickly wipe that tear away before he turned back to face me.

"Let's go back to Sally, she might start to be lonely." Gray jokingly said as I threw a "heh" as my reply.

While walking back to Sally, I couldn't help but recall all the great times I had with the two best people I know right now, which is obviously Gray and Sally. They have always supported me and I love them so much for it. They stayed with me through my lowest and even comforted me sometimes, I cannot imagine my life without them..

"Oh there you guys are! I was getting lonely haha!" Sally joked as we laughed along.

"Lets go and get dinner! I'm getting hungry from all the walking and running." Gray suggested as he wiped off a few sweat beads away from his forehead.

"Sure! How about that store over there? It smells and looks good!" I added.

We walked over to my suggested place and got some corndogs and fries and walked back to our original bench at the park. It was getting dark and the street lights turned on, it was quite awkward as the silence was only filled with the sound of the wind and our chewing. But damn this shit was good! Totally worth my $12. After eating, we've all gotten tired and decided it was time to go home. We waved our goodbyes and parted our ways. I love walking home at night, especially because of how peaceful, quiet and cooling it was. My neighbourhood was pretty safe, you can leave your purse out in the open and I'm sure no one would take it. So, even kids can walk home alone and their parents wouldn't worry too much. But of course we still have to be careful. I ended my night with changing my clothes, brushing my teeth, texting my friends and then closing my eyes to snooze off.


Wow it was already the third day of my announcement, time really flies when you are having so much fun. But for today, I couldn't hang out with my friends as Wednesdays are my practice days. At least I get to enjoy one more practice before I move. I did my daily hang out with friends in school with all our games and stuff. I waved my goodbyes and took off to my practice centre.

"Wow, you made it. I thought you'd back out because I beat you last week, LOSER!" My battle-mate joked and added a chuckle.

"Yea yea totally. Let's see about today, Scourge." I said as I rolled my eyes and cracked my knuckles.

Scourge was basically my twin, we had the same interests and we even look alike! Quite creepy to be honest. I first met him at the gym and realised that we attend the same fighting class. At first we really hated each other, we were only paired up because the instructor paired us up but now since we are pretty much experts, we didn't have an instructor, so basically just free-style. Now we're close friends, we say we hate each other and also call each other means names but we know we love each other (as friends) since he's like my brother anyways.

I had to admit, Scourge was a hard battle-mate. He recently started to win our battles and leave me in cuts and bruises, guessed he finally stepped up his game. We usually fight for about 2-3 hours, but most of the time we're just talking about our day. I wouldn't go into so much detail as maybe you'd find it boring and you'd get tired blah blah but yea! You get the idea.

After spending time with Scourge and our session was coming to an end, I broke the news to him. Surprisingly, he did tear up a little! It was honestly very touching and we hugged for awhile and I heard him mumble, "I'm gonna miss you bud." I reassured him saying that we can still text online but of course we cannot have our fights anymore and hopefully we could meet up some other time. It really hurts leaving my friends behind and also seeing their reactions to the horrible news. I honestly didn't want to move but I knew it was for the better.

Before I left, I covered up my bruises and cuts because I didn't want my parents to worry nor ask why I've been fighting with someone else. I enjoyed the pasta my mom made at home and went to play a game together with Gray while also video calling with him and Sally. As it was getting late and there was still school tomorrow, I called it a night and hung up, did my regular night routine and went to sleep. Goodnight!

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