chapter seven

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As I was reaching the park, I saw that ebony hedgehog sitting at our usual bench. I went up to him and sat down, putting on my earpieces while also waiting for him to say something.

"Wanna come over to my house?" He asked, still looking forward, not at me.

"Huh what? Uh.. sure!" I was taken aback, he met me only a few days ago and now we wants me to visit his house? Fine by me to be honest.

He grabbed my arm and teleported me to his house, quite a fun experience. "Come." He said lowly. I followed him into I think his room? What am I doing, or rather what are we gonna do? My mind filled with thoughts that I was too scared to ask.

"What cha wanna do?" he asked almost politely.

"Huh? What? I don't know! You brought me here.." I said, confused.

"Oh yea right." he said, pausing in between the words.

We just sat there in silence for a good five seconds before he asked me whether I wanted to play a game with him. "Hell yea! I love video games!" was my answer. I knew for sure I'd win!

I was wrong. He won over me so easily! My jaw hung open, the round didn't even last for five minutes!

"You're hacking!" I threw a little tantrum. I don't like it when I lose.. I always win!

"You're cute when you're angry." Shadow chuckled.

"I am not!" Gosh he's getting really annoying!

He walked over to me, I started to blush and hung my head down so he couldn't see my red face.

"You are too adorable." He smirked as he tilted my head up gently with his fingers.

I shrieked and pushed him away, burying my burning face into my hands. HE DIDN'T JUST DO THAT!! Ugh I hate him so much!

"Sorry babe, I didn't mean to startle you." he said, almost reassuringly.

"Why are you like this?" I lightly punched his arm.

"Oh because I love you hun." He smiled.

"No you don't, you're just playing with me." I crossed my arms, trying to hide my watering eyes.

"No I'm not." He said sternly.

"Prove it!" I blurted out, not thinking through my words, also quite regretting saying that cause..

He pulled me in by sandwiching my face between his hands, and before I could process anything, I felt his soft lips against mine. I was still in shock! This was my first kiss.. and it felt magical. I slowly closed my eyes and kissed him back while I rested my arms on his shoulders. The kiss lasted for a while before I pulled him back to take a breathe.

"Is this your first?"


"I can tell."

I narrowed my eyebrows and pouted, he is so rude! Though its true, but still. He scoffed and shifted back to his original place and lied down on his bed. Then it just went back to awkwardness again.

"You wanna stay here for the night? We can play video games too." He asked, with his hands below his head and eyes closed while he laid down.

"I'd love to but I doubt my mom would allow. Plus, theres school tomorrow too."

Though, I really wanted to, I knew Mom wouldn't allow because sometimes she's quite overprotective.

"Ight.. let's just play a few more rounds before I walk you home then." He smirked.

After a few rounds, some I won, some he won. But it was getting late, maybe around 5pm? I wouldn't want my parents to worry so I told him I had to go.

"Okay, want me to walk you home?" He smiled.

I lowered my head, wanting to say yes but also too embarrassed to. I guess he knew my answer and started walking out of his room. "Come on" he said. Then I followed along.

I had to admit, it was fun walking home with Shadow. The peace and quiet of the neighbourhood helped too. The nice cooling fresh air was lovely. Even though we didn't talk much during the walk, I still loved it. He waved goodbye as I opened the door to my house, I missed him already.

"Welcome back son, where have you been?" Father asked, concerned.

"Oh just at the park again."

"For 4 hours? Whats so fun about the park anyways? You've been there almost everyday.." Mother pointed out, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing Mom, just wanted to appreciate the peace and quiet of the neighbourhood." I made my way up the stairs.

"Honey, dinner's soon, why don't you stay downstairs for a while? Spend some time with your parents, can you?" I could tell my mother just wanted quality family time. I sighed and made my way downstairs again after putting down my stuff.

"So are you excited for tomorrow hun?" Mother asked as she prepared dinner.

"Yea I guess." Still thinking about Shadow.

"Anything else happened today?" Dad said, trying to continue the conversation.

"Uhm.." My voice trailed off as I thought of the kiss I had today..

"Earth to sonic? You've been acting strange lately, are you okay hun?" Mom asked as she tilted her head sideways.

"Huh? Oh yea! Nothing happened.. and I'm doing better than ever!" I tried to be as sarcastically enthusiastic as possible.

"Well alright then, I'm just done with dinner let's dig in shall we?" Mom smiled.

Dad joined us at the dinning table and we ate. I don't know how much longer I can keep on keeping this secret, what if my parents find out somehow? Well I guess by then I don't have to go through the trouble of telling them..

Fast forward to when I'm done eating dinner, I flopped onto my bed to realise that I got 2 notifications from Shadow.

Shadow: 'hi honey.'
Shadow: 'oh i suppose u're sleeping, goodnight.'

I was tired so I just reacted with a heart emoji and fell asleep, I also didn't want to be really tired in school tomorrow.

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