chapter nine

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After putting all my books into the locker, Miles and I made our way to the canteen.

"Come! I want to introduce you to my friends!" Miles exclaimed as he skipped to a table and I followed behind him.

"Hi everyone! This is Sonic, he's new and I'd like all of y'all to become his friends!" Miles announced to his table of friends.

I looked around the table, I could tell that the variety of personalities is large. They all started lunch off by introducing themselves with their name, age and something they like.

First off was Knuckles, he was 16 and he liked to smash and hit things, kind of scary. Next was Amy, she seemed pretty bright. Her age was 14, but she acted like a 12 year old, and she likes to bake. Lastly was Sticks, she was also 14 and said she liked to collect weird items.

These first few friends seemed okay? A little weird and not as intelligent but who knows? What if I actually start loving them as much as my old friend group.

Lunch was pretty fun, the food was alright and the table shared some laughters. To be honest, they were really funny and I already feel some sort of platonic connection between all of us. I somehow knew that this friendship will continue to bond and be strong.

After lunch, Miles, or I'd rather say Tails, brought me to my locker again and walked me to my third class. This time, no one I knew was in my class. It got pretty boring and lonely until someone sat beside me and decided to interact aswell.

"Hi! I'm Silver, are you new?" I looked over to see another hedgehog smiling at me, but instead of azure or ebony, he was pearly.

"Hey.. and yea.." I mumbled, my social battery being low after interacting with others too much.

"Thats cool!"

We ended up talking pretty much the whole lesson, we learnt some things about each other and clicked really well. We exchanged numbers, hoping to become great close friends.

The bell rang again and after a few more lessons, it was finally the end of school. I barely got to see Shadow as we practically only have one or two lessons together but I hoped to text him soon.

Tails led me to my locker again and asked me whether I wanted to go to the nearby mall with the new friend group to eat lunch and play. I texted my mother for permission and she said I could, she wanted me to bond with my new friends anyways.

We all walked together to the mall when I got a notification from you know who on the way there.

Shadow: 'wow.'

Me: 'Whats up?'

Shadow: 'i asked u to go to my house after school, u said u couldnt and now ure going to the mall with ur new friends :/.'

Me: 'Yea.. sorry about that..'

Shadow: 'nah i guess its fine, wna come my house after handing out with them then?'

Me: 'I guess that would be fine..'

Shadow: 'okay cya soon my love.'

DID HE JUST CALL ME HIS LOVE?! I started blushing until Tails asked me whats wrong. Assuming Tails was going to be my new best friend, I told him all about my small crush on Shadow. He completely supported me and he just really reminded me of Gray which put me in a saddened mood. Though, I thought it'd be better if I forgot about my past and focus on what life has ahead for me. So I enjoyed the rest of my day with my new best friends.

After eating at the restaurant at Game and Gobble (yes another weird name but whatever), me and my friends went to play at the arcade. Turns out, Knuckles was actually very good at most of the games, I wanted to see whether he could win against me in my video games, so maybe I'd invite him over someday.

After having fun for about 2-3 hours, we were all tired and called it a day. After that we waved our goodbyes and parted our ways.

While hanging out with my friends, I didn't notice that I've gotten 12 notifications from Shadow himself.

Shadow: 'hey u done??' 2:36pm

Shadow: 'heyy ://.' 3:02pm

Shadow: 'missing u rn.' 3:27pm

Shadow: 'come back baby.' 3:58pm

Shadow: 'pleaseee i need u.' 4:12pm

And many more..

Me: 'Hey I'm finally done, meet me at Lavender City mall :)'

Shadow: 'omg finally, im coming love.'

Then suddenly, Shadow teleported in front of me without warning and I jumped a little.

"Sorry cutie, didn't mean to startle you." He said in a slightly flirty voice while smirking.

I blushed and pouted a little then he suddenly grabbed my hand and teleported us to his room.

Doubting Love (sonadow)Where stories live. Discover now