Chapter 1

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It was a normal day in runway, everyone was working in their comfy clothes and shoes since miranda was not at the office.

Emily, the closest assistent of miranda was working in her office calling people and making requests for fashion brands to order designs.

Suddenly Nigel came running towards her office,

'Miranda is coming, GUIDE YOUR LOINS!"

Emily glared at him, ''she's here!? She's not supposed to he here already, she's a week too early''

Emily changed her shoes for stiletto's and adjusts her make-up. She stumbled out of her office running around like a fool. Almost out of breath she reached the small coffee shop downstairs the office.

'Miranda is coming, 'one no-foam skimmed latte with an extra shot and three drip coffees with room for milk".

she threw 10 bucks at the guy and he prepared her coffee. Emily looks at her watch, she's tapping her nails on the desk as she waits. 'I have 2 minutes, faster' she commands.

When she got the coffee she took the lift heading upstairs again, she went over to the magazine apartment and got the magazines she ALWAYS reads. She ran to Miranda's office and she placed down the coffee on her table and she places the magazines perfectly in order on her desk.

She turns around and sees Miranda walking in, she got out of her way and when miranda passes her she greets her.

'Good morning, Miranda' she says warmly. Miranda stops in front of her, she slightly takes off her Gucci glasses and looks at Emily from head till toe.

"Reschedule my lunch with the twins on 12:30 sharp, order lots of hermes scarfs and get me a few pair skirts. Also Emily, you forgot my sparkling water" she said with a cold tone without any emotion.

Emily looks down at the ground, 'I'll get right to"

"No, no, that's all" she walks off heading to her office and she sits behind her desk, she takes the coffee which was placed on her desk. She sips and she narrows her eyes. "This has foam in it, Emily' she say's without looking up.

Emily walks over to miranda and she's shaking, she smiles and takes the coffee. "I'll get you a new one"

"Emily, i need you to hire a second assistant, that's all, now go"


Emily goes through the job applications, she was looking for a woman, at young age, social and hardworking. She couldn't find a single person.

"Too old"
"Seems boring"
"No sense of fashion.. but.."

She looks at the girls profile, "Andrea Sachs it is" she mumbles to herself. She sighs, but not too loud so Miranda couldn't have heard it. She studies her profile, she wants to write for new York times eventually.. that could work, she thought. She called her number and waited impartiality for an answer.

'"Yes hello, with Andrea"

'Good afternoon Andrea Sachs, you've made a job application a few months ago right? I'm Emily by the way, the first assistant of Miranda Priestly"

"Oh yes gre-

"So about that, tomorrow 5 am at her office. I'll have time to explain everything and you'll be hired if you can fulfil her needs. Don't hype yourself up because if you fail once you're gone. every single girl would kill for this job"

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