Chapter 3

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Andrea's alarm clock went off on 4:30. She was still confused by the night before. She took a quick shower and made herself a light breakfast. As usual she changed and went to work.

She did her normal routine as usual, get her magazines ready, her special coffee order and her sparkling water.  She got behind her desk and waited for Miranda to arrive. At 5:00 Miranda walked into the office of runway. She threw her purse and coat at her again.

"Can i talk to you in my office"

Andrea nods and places her coat and bag into the closet.

She walked into Miranda's office and Miranda stared at her, "close the door"

Andrea closed the door and sat down, "Miranda did you sleep well? You seem frustrated."

She took of her glasses and Andrea's smile faded. Her eyes looked terrible like she didn't got any sleep last night and cried for hours.

"Miranda are you okay?" Andrea asked with concern

"I'm not, what did you remember of last night"

She awkwardly smiles, "you were quite drunk"

Miranda sighs, "other part please"

Andrea stuttered, "you eh, ehm, kissed me"

Miranda covers her eyes, "don't sue me, how much do you want. Don't tell the press"

Andrea walked over to her, she took her hands.
"I don't need anything from you, it's fine I won't talk about it. Did you even sleep Miranda? I need to know."

Miranda did her best to hide her tears, "i didn't sleep at all Andrea"

Andrea sighs, "Miranda let me take you to your townhouse the girls are in school and I'll make sure to take care of the girls so you can have some sleep. You look exhausted"

"I can't, i have to work Andrea"

"I'll just give Emily more work to do, take care of yourself" Andrea said with concern.

Miranda smiled at her, "thank you"

"A moment, I'll be back in 10 minutes Miranda"

Andrea walked out and called Emily, she told her what happened and that she should cancel all her appointments.


Miranda and Andrea arrived at her townhouse, she guided Miranda to her room. Miranda sat down on her bed and Andrea took off her heels. Miranda flinched for a second.

"You can leave now" she said in a cold tone colder than usual.

Andrea tried to protest but she just nodded and walked out.

"I'll pick up the girls from school soon enough"

Miranda raised her hand for Andrea to walk out.

She walked out and as soon as she arrived at the living room she sat down on the long white couch. Why was she ignoring everything like yesterday never happened. She was even colder than normally.

Andrea stepped in Miranda's car to pick up the girls, she was terrified. If she crashed the expensive Mercedes Miranda would end her.  She was sweating not to ride over the annoying kids crossing the street. After a long 15 minutes she arrived at the twins school. She waved at them and they walked over to her in surprise.

"Hey Andy, where's mom"

"She's not feeling that well sweetie"

They looked a bit sad, "can we see her?" Cassidy asked.

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