Chapter 10

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It's Wednesday the February 25th, it's 5:30 and the annoying alarm clock with the hideous sound goes off. Miranda opens her eyes and looks at her beautiful andy, her andrea. She strokes her hair and gives her a kiss on Andrea's nose. "Darling wake up, we've got work"

Andrea's eyes fluttered open and she saw the sight of Miranda. "Hey, morning" she said in her low sweet morning voice. She licked her lips and cuddled up to Miranda. "Can't we just stay like this for a little while longer?"

"Only 5 more minutes then" Miranda said while stroking over her bare back.

"i better use them well then" she looked up at Miranda and bit her lip. "Oh god how do you look so good in the morning" she kissed her and her tongue slid inside, it was a long and passionate kiss and neither of them wanted to stop, eventually they had to because they ran out of oxygen. "I could do this all day and so much more" Andrea teased her out of breath.

"I'd love to but we should get ready for work now" Miranda dragged herself out of bed and walked towards her closet to pick out some clothes. "Yesterday i called roy to get all your clothes and shoes to be delivered over here, they're probably in the study room" Miranda handed Andrea her white bathrobe so she could walk towards the study room to pick up her clothes. "Also you'll go to work again, you're not needed to be at home with the twins now the court is cancelled"

"Thanks, the bathrobe, it smells like you and okay sure, I'll like that better than staying in an empty house most of the time"

"Just hurry, we don't have all morning" miranda picked out her clothes and went inside of the bathroom to do her make-up. She was wearing a white blouse covered with a black jacket and a skirt, obviously she was also wearing her red heels and she chose to bring her hérmes handbag.

Andrea walked in with her clothes and walked towards Miranda's closet, she pushed some clothes aside to make room for hers. Miranda looked around the corner and gasped, "andreah! My clothes!"

"Well i mean, it's my room too so I thought I'd just.." she kept on placing her clothes on the shelves of Miranda's walk in closet.

"Fine, don't get my clothes ruined" Miranda said and sighs.

Andrea changed into her expensive branded working clothes and went to the bathroom to do her hair and make-up. "My turn babes, choo choo away" Andrea said while bumping her hips against Miranda's.

"Andrea you're in an annoying mood today, stop pushing me away with your ass. There's enough space"

"I just like to annoy you a bit" she said smiling. After she was done with her hair and make-up she went downstairs to go make her and Miranda a light breakfast.


At 6:00 Andrea and Miranda stepped into the car, "morning roy" Andrea said happily in a good mood.

"Morning ladies, right towards Elias-Clarke?"

"Yes, roy. Like always. Andrea darling, i want you to hire a nanny who can look after the twins while we're at work, get someone before tomorrow. We'll leave the office at 15:30 so we'll be on time to go bowling. Have you rescheduled my meeting with Donatella?"

"Yes i have Miranda"

Suddenly Miranda got a call, Andrea didn't know what she said.

"Hey" ..... "she did what?" .... "How many people know?" ..... "I haven't even told anyone yet, not even Andrea" ..... "Nigel this is bad, really bad" .... "Just tell them it wasn't like that" .... "Bye"

"Miranda what was that about"

"I don't care, Emily will be fired by the end of the day"

Andrea was in shock, "why would you fire Emily Miranda!? She does an amazing job"

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