Chapter 2

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Andy got out of the taxi and entered the building of her apartment. She walked 5 stairs to finally get to her apartment, "why can't they just make an elevator" she thought. She unlocked the door and turned on the light. She fell down on her bed and sighed. She was so tired after this long day. She slid out of her comfy but not 'fashionable' shoes and she changed herself into her nightgown. She was ready to take a long night rest. She didn't even eat yet, but she was too tired to make herself dinner. After 10 minutes she fell asleep.

It's 3:30 in the morning when andrea hears a noice, she opens her eyes and rubs her eyes. "What is that" she mumbles. "Sounds like a ringtone, annoying beeps" she walks around her apartment looking for the phone, when she finally finds it in her brown bag that she 'absolutely couldn't show miranda'
(Emily's words.. )

She answered the phone in a husky voice,

"Morning, it's Andrea"

"I need you to let the ambassador of Chanel know i need 15 mini skirts by the end of the morning, also I'm arriving at 4:00 so get everything ready, and call my uber to drive me to the townhouse" Miranda said in a cold tone.

"Yes, I'll manage to.."

Miranda hung up the phone already.

Andy sighed, "how am i going to be there at 4:00 oh god" she hurried and picked out some fashionable clothing with as a final touch, the jimmy Choo heels. She made a light breakfast and she got ready. She took her new prada bag and she left her appartement. She catches a taxi and she's on her way to the Elias Clarke building. She rushed in and took the elevator, she looked at her watch. "3:50, i have to hurry" she rushed over to the coffee shop screaming her order. She took the coffee and she picked up her 5 magazines.

She placed everything on her desk, "fuck, her sparkling water" Andy thought. She ran back and got her sparkling water, she placed it down and hurried over to her desk. She adjusted some of her make-up and she started to make the calls.

"Hey yes, Miranda's office. I'd like to order 15 mini skirts by the end of the morning"

A too over exited man answered

"Of course, so glad Miranda orders from us. Which mini skirts was she talking about?"

You sighs, she just barked orders how the fuck am I supposed to know?. That's what she wanted to answer but she had to stay polite.

"Just find someone who knows her taste, I expect it here before 12:00"

Andy hung up the phone and called Miranda's uber.

"Morning, Miranda's office. Miranda needs you here to take her to her townhouse"

A guy called roy answered, "how late exactly?"

You sigh once again, "she didn't tell me, just be here and wait till she leaves"

Andrea hung up the phone once again and she replied to some emails, it's already 4:10 where is that woman.. she looked at the coffee, She'll complain that it's cold. She took her coffee and threw it away, she took the lift to the coffee shop and she ordered her coffee again, perfectly how she wants it. She threw 10 bucks at the guy again and left. Then she saw Miranda walking towards her office. Andy walked behind her closely.

"Emily i can smell you, just hand me my coffee"

Andrea handed her her coffee and walked beside Miranda. She didn't say a word. She threw her coat and bag at Andrea like it was nothing. Andrea just walked along with her.

"Everything you buy is paid by Elias-Clarke don't worry about the price Emily"

Andrea just simply nodded, 'why is she still calling me emily my god'

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