Chapter 12

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It was 14:00 and Miranda was working in her office not aware of what happened at the assistants desk.

"Wait, aren't you the ex boyfriend of andrea?"

Nate pulled a gun out of his jacket, "lay down everyone"

He walked into Miranda's office and pointed the gun at Miranda. "You crazy bitch, what did you do to andy!"

Miranda remained calm, "i gave her a better job, journalism is her specialty right"

"You fucking fired her, you don't love her!"

"That's not true, YOU never loved her, i do"

"Shut your fucking mouth!" 

Emily walked in and smacked a book on his head, nate turned around and shot emily in her arm.

"FUCKK" emily yelled and fell to the ground.

"YOU..." nate said turning around.

"You ruined everything!! andy changed since she started working for you. You made her different, you ruined her!!!You took her away from ME"

Miranda laughs, "i most certainly did not take her away from you, i did change her"

"And that's why you fucking deserve this Miranda"

He pointed the gun right at her head, the moment he pulled the trigger nigel ran in and kicked him hard against his back. Nate fell down but still shot right into Miranda's stomach.

Nigel bent down and held him on the ground. "Miranda are you okay?" He said out of breath without looking up if she was shot, he thought she wasn't.

"I'm doing more than fine, there's just a bullet somewhere in my stomach" she replied coldly.


Irv came running in, "what is.."


The ambulance was called and Miranda and Emily were immediately taken to the hospital.


Andrea was working in her office, she was chatting with her colleague when her cell phone rang. "Andrea sachs" she said when she picked up.

"Hey six, Miranda and Emily are shot, they're in the hospital you need to come immediately, the doctor called me and all Miranda did was being stubborn and yelling for you"

"This- this can't be happening, nig this is not funny"

"I'm not joking, it was nate"

"That motherfuc-, sorry Natalie" she said to her colleague.

"I'm on my way nig" she stood up and walked towards his boss.

"Mark, i need to go, Miranda has been shot"

"Oh fuck of course, I'm so sorry"

Andrea grabbed her bag and coat and immediately went to the hospital as fast as she could, when she arrived she waited for the receptionist to wrap up her conversation on the phone.

"I'm here for Miranda" she replied firmly

"It's the VIP Room 247"

"Thanks" she ran to the elevator and she stormed into the room when she got there. "Miranda!" She yelled as she ran towards her. She was laying there in hospital clothes, she was pale and clearly she was hurting.

Andrea dropped to her knees besides her and took her hand and kissed it, "Miranda oh my god, are you okay? Are you hurt? Can i do anything for you?"

Miranda didn't reply and stared in front of her, a single tear ran down her face. Andrea was worried, the touched her cheek but that didn't make any difference. "Miranda I'm getting you a doctor right away hold on" as she walked out of the door Miranda began to talk.

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