Chapter 6

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Miranda and Andrea sat in the living room on the huge white couch. Miranda looked at her watch "The girls should be home anytime soon"
She took a sip of her wine and sighs. "I don't have anything to do on the weekends it's boring me"
Andrea laughed. "You want to be the Busy woman don't you, we'll go to dinner with the twins soon and we could have a movie night when we get home?" Andrea suggested.

"Sure, that would be lovely"


Miranda and Andrea were still on the couch drinking their wine when the front door flew open and the kids ran in. "MOMMY" they yelled.

"Sweeties, don't run" she walked towards them and gave them both a big hug and a kiss on their heads. "Andrea is coming with us to dinner bobbseys, where do you guys want to go to dinner? Anything is possible!" Miranda clapped in her hands waiting for a response.

The twins looked at each other, they whispered something and turned back to Miranda with a grin on their faces. "McDonald's" they said laughing because they know their mom doesn't like the McDonald's. "Well... youuu... said.. ANYTHING" they smiled widely.

"You know I don't like it but sure, i said whatever you guys like so McDonald's it is. Andrea do you mind to go to that McDonald's place?" Miranda said in an annoyed tone.

"I'd love to eat some unhealthy burgers" Andrea said in a mocking tone, she looked at the twins and gave them a wink. "I'm hungryy, so let's go immediately!" Andrea said excited.

Miranda took her keys, "I'll drive us"

They nodded and walked behind her, they stepped into the car and they drove off. It was a crazy trip to the McDonald's i can tell you that.

The redheads were so excited. "Mommy can we play some music?"

Miranda sighs, "sure bobbseys, frozen?"

"YESS FROZENN" They said together. They took their phones and connected it with the car. They pressed on the song and they turned the volume up and started singing. "LET IT GOOOOO, LET IT GOOO"

Miranda tried to keep in her laugh, "these are my kids Andrea, i think you should get used to it. They aren't like me that much so" she laughed again.

"I think they're great and besides, frozen songs are the best Miranda!" Andrea looked at the twins and winked at them to give them a sign.

Miranda narrowed her eyes at her. "What exactly are you trying to do?"

Andrea smiled and then waited for the music. When the beat hits the 3 of them started to sing loudly. "LET IT GO, LET IT GO, CAN'T HOLD IT BACK ANYMOREEE"

"Okay that's enough, i think I've got 3 big baby's in my car and I'm the only competent grown up here" she tried to hide her smile but she failed.

"I see you smiling Miranda" don't be silly just sing along! This is fun, right girls??"

"Mum you're boring, at least Andrea is fun to sing with" Cassidy said.

"Andrea you should dress up with us as Elsa and anna" Caroline suggested.

"You can be Olaf Andrea" Miranda said while laughing.

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