Chapter 4

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It was in the middle of the night when Andrea woke up by whispering noises. She opened her eyes and 2 redheads were standing beside her bed. "What's up sweeties?" Andrea asked in a tired voice. "We can't sleep and we don't want to wake up mom, we're scared" they said together. "What are you guys scares of darlings?" They were sobbing at this point, "monsters" Andrea held in her laughter, "don't worry sweeties, come" she opened her arms and they hugged her. "Andy can we sleep here?" "I suppose the bed is big enough" Andrea said, she smiled and tucked them in, they were both hugging Andrea and they fell asleep just like that.

The next morning the 3 of them were still asleep when Miranda walked in. "Andrea do you know where the girls ar.." she stood there watching them, one hand on her hips, she was wearing a purple dress just above her knees, a belt, gloves and jimmy Choo heels to topp it off. "Bubbseys what are you guys doing in Andrea's room?" She glared at Andrea.

"We were having a bad dream mom, we couldn't sleep. We didn't want to bother you and Andrea said we could stay here" Miranda stared at Andrea, "sure she did.. now if you excuse me, I'm heading to work" she turned around to go but then stopped and slowly turned to face Andrea. She narrowed her eyes and stared at her studying her body in her nightgown."Oh, and an-dre-ah, make sure the girls have breakfast and let roy take them to school" she turned around and walked out of the door, she mumbled to herself. "I look better in that nightgown" Andrea stared at her, "i heard you Miranda" Miranda snorts, "it's the truth darling"

When Miranda left, Andrea got dressed and went downstairs to make the twins some breakfast. She was cooking when the girls came in, they watched her cook and waited for their food. Andrea placed down the plates with pancakes in front of them.
"Enjoy girls, be ready in 30 minutes. Roy will take you guys to school and I'll be here when the both of you get home" they nod and they start to eat. "Thank you Andrea" Caroline said. "It's delicious" Cassidy finished. "Glad you girls like it" Andrea smiled at them. "Do you know when mum gets back?" They asked. "I don't know, I'll call her to ask" Andrea said to them. "Eat your breakfast loves because otherwise you're going to be late" the girls mocked her, "yes mommm" they rolled her eyes. Andrea laughed at them, they were six and she could already notice the behaviour of their mother in them.

The girls were brought to school and Andrea was just reading a book enjoying her free time, she kinda loved this job. She didn't have to do anything for miranda when she was at work. At least.. she thought.. then her cell phone rang. She looked at it in confusion, "oh hey Miranda" she didn't even got a hey back she instantly started to give orders, more demands.

"Don't forget to remind roy to pick up the twins, get my lunch just how i like it on 12:30 sharp. Also call my ex husband Stephan and tell him to stop mailing me since I'm not interested. Get my laundry done by dropping it off on the full-service wasserette next door of the elias-Clarke building and don't forget to pick it up by the end of the day, roy can drive you. That's all Andreahh"

She hung up the phone like she always did, Andrea sighs. "Great, I'll get right to it Miranda" she said sarcastically. Apparently i still have to work for her when the girls are in school" no but seriously what did i expect it's miranda priestly" the thought. She called Emily, "hey em, i need to know what Miranda always has for lunch, i have to deliver it on "12:30 sharp" she mocked in the high class Miranda accent.

Andrea heard a laughter on the other side of the line, "oh darling, how funny this is. To be clear, i do not sound like that" Andrea froze, it was Miranda. "I- I'm sorry Miranda i"

"No no I don't need your incompetence bothering me, i want the steak with mashed potatoes. Emily is off today so I'm taking the phone calls, to be honest it's the best thing ever. Everyone is in shock when they hear my voice"

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