Chapter 13

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It was now Saturday morning and Miranda's eyes fluttered open, she mumbles "andrea"

"I'm here darling" Andrea took her hand in hers and kissed her knuckles. "The girls called, they're coming over any minute now"

Miranda frowns, "you should've woken me up,i look horrible at the moment"

"You're staying in bed today, no makeup for you. Besides, you look better without it"

Miranda sighs and grabs her cellphone from the nightstand, after 2 rings the phone got answered.
"Nigel, I won't be able to work in the weekend so if you could make sure everything is going smooth in runway"

"That's all" she hung up and looked Andrea in her eyes.

"I'm really glad the girls are coming Andrea" Miranda gave her a little smile.

"Me too, me too.." Andrea placed a loving kiss on her forehead. Suddenly the door got barged in.

"MOMM" they both yelled running towards their mother.

"I'm here sweeties, it's okay" Miranda reassured them.

Andrea beamed at Miranda how loving she was towards her and Miranda's twins. Andrea cleared her throat.

"Miranda i need to tell you something, i know we haven't been together that long but i feel like I've known you my whole life and i want to spend the rest of my life, with you. I love you Miranda Priestly, so will you marry me?"

Miranda had happy tears flowing down her face, "of course i want to marry you" Miranda pulled Andrea close and captured her lips. "I love you so, Andrea. My Andrea.."



i kinda lost the feeling for this story so this will be the end, if y'all want i can write an epilogue of 5 years later just tell me! X

I feel like they got together too quickly and i want to write a better one. A better Miranda cuz i feel like I didn't write her right. I think I'll be writing a story where Andrea is still her assistant and how Irv ravitz is planning on getting rid of Miranda. Please tell me if you're interested! I promise it'll be a lot better!

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